View Full Version : libido goes on prozac,does it ever come back?

08-12-11, 22:06
ive been on prozac 3 weeks and my sex drive is near nonexistent,the thing that troubles me is i could me on prozac for life:huh:
Does your libido come back after a while when your taking prozac?or am i doomed to end up alone and have no sex life?

Its for severe anxiety and depression,seems to have helped in both departments mind you

william wallace
08-12-11, 22:40
Hi Pete.
I've never had Prozac, but over 20 years or so I've had Lustral, Seroxat, Duloxetine and Citalopram. With the exception of Duloxetine which is a SNRI, the others are SSRI's, like fluoxetine (Prozac). All of these drugs have a tendancy to make you a bit floppy, and if you are lucky enough to be able to ejaculate, it's more like having a wee.
The good news however, is that after usually six or seven weeks things return to normal (whatever that is)
Keep your pecker up:D