View Full Version : times are really hard for me right now.. making my panic worse

08-12-11, 22:28
Times are really hard for me and my family.. we dnt have any money for food or our electric bill.. let alone christmas ... i cant afford to get to the doctors.. and my health issues are getting worse... im unemployed and my moms on social security... my step dad just lost his license.. because he didnt have the money to renew it... my dog got ran over by a car two days ago.. and i grew up with him :( ... im so scared that we wont be okay :/ ive tried calming myself down but with all the stress.. i just cant seem to... i feel like i cant take anymore ... plz help

william wallace
08-12-11, 22:47
Best I can offer is a :hugs:hope things improve for you folks.

08-12-11, 23:05
I really hope things get better for u, I wish I could make it all better for u!

I know it may seem hard now but u will get through this and remember ur not alone. :hugs:

08-12-11, 23:39
ty :)

08-12-11, 23:42
Sorry to here you haveing hard times thinking of you:hugs:

09-12-11, 02:36
hi do you not get any help with food and your electric bill like sa social fund there may be charties that can help at christmas we have the salvation army try something like that sorry cant be more help

09-12-11, 06:18
my mom has called around....we should be getting some help :)

09-12-11, 16:08
Let's hope you get through this notmyself.

10-12-11, 06:14
i cant afford to get to the doctors.. and my health issues are getting worse.http://www.uklv.info/g.gif

macc noodle
10-12-11, 07:19
Sorry to hear your family are struggling, here's hoping that you get the help you need.

Be strong and come in here to talk to people - we may not be able to change things for you, but we are always here to listen and support.


Macc Noodle

10-12-11, 19:15
do you not get welfare or are they free doctors about?
One thing you can do is ring around and see if a doctor is willing to see you for free or at a discount.
I had to do this when my friend got the flu and we did find a doctor who saw him for 2 euros including the medication.
There are a few chairtys around that will help with fuel and heating.
sometimes if you owe money calling up the companies can help too, as they may give you more time to pay with out all the extra late fees.

william wallace
11-12-11, 20:49
Times are really hard for me and my family.. we dnt have any money for food or our electric bill.. let alone christmas ... i cant afford to get to the doctors.. and my health issues are getting worse... im unemployed and my moms on social security... my step dad just lost his license.. because he didnt have the money to renew it... my dog got ran over by a car two days ago.. and i grew up with him :( ... im so scared that we wont be okay :/ ive tried calming myself down but with all the stress.. i just cant seem to... i feel like i cant take anymore ... plz help

Anyone notice the post by ifines the Spambot?:)