View Full Version : What is the point

08-12-11, 23:30
So im sitting here thinking what is the point of life my life is really getting me down.GAD PTSD stupied symptoms eye sight getting bad scareing me twitches i even getting dizzy at times why why is this all happening to me failed marriage still feel he try to control me.And haveing to find a new home and still put abrave face on for my baby cannot deal with this no more really need support while i sit here crying:weep:

william wallace
09-12-11, 08:44
Good morning Fluff, hope you're feeling a wee bit more positive today. I would have replied last night but had an early night. You have to be strong for yourself and your wee one. PM me any time:hugs:

09-12-11, 09:35
Hey thanks for reply i feel others must think what is the point of my exsitance now too:weep:sorry not good day

william wallace
09-12-11, 09:40
No Fluff, they all had early nights last night. Go make yourself a cuppa and a slice of buttery toast you'll feel better:hugs:

09-12-11, 09:43
Id rather pack of fags and bottle of jd but ok:hugs:

william wallace
09-12-11, 09:44
Is there an Aldi in Swampland?

09-12-11, 09:55
Yeah there is, think i go out today as weather in swampland better today take my mind off stuff

william wallace
09-12-11, 10:00
Well if you're partial to a JD, Aldi sell a welfare version called Clarkes Kentucky Bourbon @ £10.95. You would'nt know the difference, it's really good stuff.
Have a better day today Fluff:)

09-12-11, 10:03
Hey thanks may get some today may calm me down when little one in bed tonight:)

09-12-11, 18:00
I'm just existing as well, I do think what is the point, if I killed myself there would be people saying I wish I knew then I could have helped him but why does it take that to make people help. They don't bother now and that when I could do with help. Found out who my friends are, well I have not got any real friends any more. I don't want smypathy and wouldn't want it if I ended it all. Why does it have to be like this?

09-12-11, 18:12
I'm in the same boat, I too just exist, no meaningful emotions except fear I guess :(

Ultimately I believe nobody can help so I plough this lonely furrow.

Sorry I can't help ;(

william wallace
09-12-11, 18:24
It's all doom and gloom on this thread tonight. Smile, it's the weekend:D

09-12-11, 18:55
ok thanks for positive comments mr wallace:) and others well least i know im not the only one feel abit better i think.

evil monkey
10-12-11, 15:52
I think this pretty much every day. I just try to change the things I can....and try to block out the possibility that I can't change them x and casually ignore months/years going by :huh:

10-12-11, 23:36
Yeah ive really just existed this year was ment to be full of happyness but has gone completly wrong and i cant see it gonna get much better for me why am i here i feel all down again:weep: how can i enjoy life again like i used too i dont ask 4 much just abit of happyness:weep:

11-12-11, 00:41
Hi guys,

I've felt (and sometimes still do feel) the way you are feeling: what is the point in life? I think probably the majority of people have wondered this at some point or another, the difference being that most tend to just brush off such feelings and get on with it whereas for people with anxiety, it's not so simple. In my experience (particularly with being diagnosed with OCD a few years back), anxiety causes thoughts to 'stick': they are associated with emotions or physical arousal which seems to make them significant and so it feels like unless we find an answer or a resolution to our anxious thoughts, they'll hang around forever. The fact is, it's up to you to find your reason for being and to make your life worthwhile, which is usually found through doing things you love. For me, drawing or writing gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment, like I'm really good at something. I think the first step is doing something you enjoy (something active rather than passive such as watching TV). Maybe start a blog, join a class, start exercising, something that gives you direction. It might not answer the question 'what is the point in being here?' but it might make you feel more like 'well, I'm here, so it's time to enjoy being here'.