View Full Version : Shaking like milk

03-06-06, 13:43
I met this guy last week..who seemed really nice..he took my number and he gave me his but then he never called..but i really liked him, so last nite i called him and he was rather rude on the phone and being a bit of a jerk but he sed hed meet me today...........cue panic attack! My heart is thumping and im feeling ready to pass out and i keep thinking WHAT IF HE TRIES TO KILL ME...im soooooooo scared and im shaking like mad..but i havent even went to meet him yet...anyway just thought id let you all know......pray for me that he isnt a psycho [8)] Lets hope i am panicing over nothing!!

F**k with these buttons and knobs long enough, and maybe things will turn out...just fine!

03-06-06, 13:58
hi shanti

i was in the same position a few weeks ago - i had met a guy on internet dating site who lived in same town as me and we arranged to meet and i was TERRIFIED - all the What ifs, etc,etc.

I met him at 2 in the afternoon in the busy town centre and went for a coffee - KEEP IT SAFE - however, he turned out to be a really nice guy who I did go on to see a few times more but I decided he wasnt right for me.

As long as you meet him in a safe place, he will be anxious as well - and just be yourself - Good luck and let us know how u get on.


........life is for living not just for surviving

03-06-06, 16:00
Hi there Shanti.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

Be safe and good luck.

Shiv x

03-06-06, 16:48
Hi Shanti.

You be careful ok, if you are meeting him then meet him in a public place with others and tell your friends where you are going. Have fun and good luck hunni. Let us know how it all goes ok. You will be fine. Just enjoy yourself.

x x

03-06-06, 18:11
Hi Shanti,

As you have already chosen to go I hope you have a great time in a public place. Have fun.


03-06-06, 20:27
hello there! really pleased you are getting out there but i'm a bit confused as to why you would want to meet him if he was being a jerk! I think you deserve better than that!! good luck anyhows tc xx
