View Full Version : Is this melanoma - terrified

09-12-11, 03:47

09-12-11, 04:25
Skin blemishes can take various shapes and forms.

I'm not sure any of us here on this site are qualified to give you such advice, so. If you're really concerned, seek the advice of a healthcare professional. They will be able to tell you what it is, and set your mind at ease. :-)


09-12-11, 04:34
I actually have an appt monday I'm just stricken with fear and anxiety
I'm a new mother and keep thinking I will not be around to see my new baby grow :(

Since that photo was taken half the mole peeled and came off :(

11-12-11, 20:23
The mole has pretty much dried and came off it doesn't looking like an ulcer under it looks normal as if u picked an old scab...how can my doctor now tell if it's melanoma with hardly a mole left? :(

12-12-11, 21:32
Hi there, I have lots of moles and quite often they can get really dry and peel and then they just go back to how they were.

Did you go to the docs today?

12-12-11, 22:12
looks to me like you've given it a good old scratch??

14-12-11, 10:27
Well my mole is completely gone! No sign of it ever being there...how will the doctor even know if it's cancer?

14-12-11, 11:06
Did you know that some moles can have a life cycle and can disappear all together after having them for several years? Still speak to the Dr about it but he will probably tell you the same hun xxx

14-12-11, 12:39
You could also bring the picture to your appointment to show what it looked like prior

14-12-11, 14:32
Well a Melanoma wouldn't just disappear, so i think you can count that one out.