View Full Version : Test results!!

09-12-11, 06:40
Another night of no sleep i've just been awake contamplaiting the worst from my blood test results today. I cant ring up till lunch time, its just the horrendous waiting when i have already told myself its something bad i'm terrified to make the call, i havent slept properly for a week now and still not eating how can anxiety do this to us !!! :weep:

macc noodle
09-12-11, 06:57
What are the tests for ?

I am sure that you will be fine - once you have had them. I know I used to get myself into a right state awaiting test results utterly convincing myself I was really ill.

But, always fine I am happy to say and I am sure that you will be the same :hugs:

Macc Noodle

09-12-11, 07:08
Hey Annie, I was just thinking of you and reading the other thread about the test results. It is agonising waiting isn't it, take care and let us know how you get on.

09-12-11, 07:12
The tests are because i went in with anxiety (i think) however im convinced its something more serious, i had pins and needles, jelly legs, loss of appetite gp said she would run blood tests to "rule anything out" making me panic even more thinking she thinks there is something worth checking for :weep: im just so scared of the results!!

09-12-11, 07:17
im sure your results will be fine when did you have them done ? x

macc noodle
09-12-11, 07:21
Hey hunnie - don't worry you will be fine :hugs:

Standard practice to run a suite of blood tests when you see the doc and have anxiety - the point of it is to prove to you that you are fine and JUST (ha ha not) suffering from anxiety.

Chin up lovely, it will be ok - thinking of you today and let us share the good news when u get the results.

Macc Noodle

09-12-11, 07:39
Thank you for all your positive replys i wish i had your positve attitude... Amandaj i had them done on wednesday at 8.30 am. Yes i will post later if all is ok!!

09-12-11, 07:43
I cant wait to hear the results I am so sure they will be fine.

09-12-11, 07:43
I had to call for mine yesterday, I know how you feel, I felt sick, I was so scared! Mine were all normal, sure yours will be too xxx

09-12-11, 07:46
Thanks, its just awful i dread what they are going to tell me. However my husband keeps telling me they would call us straight away if it was anything major..... !!!

09-12-11, 07:47
if anything was wrong they would of rang you im sure x

09-12-11, 07:51
My husband said that to me as well but i cant relax untill i get them...my sister has gone into labour during last night i want to be excited but i just cant untill i hear the results x

09-12-11, 07:55
i do understand how you feel but after you get the results you can start celebrating when the new baby is here xx

09-12-11, 11:21
Hi all, i have just rung for my blood results and they were all clear :yahoo: i now have an appointment for next week to discuss getting some help with my anxiety!! I would just like to say a massive thankyou to all who have replied to my posts this site is amazing, now i just need to get over my trip to the dentist this afternoon !!!!!!!!!!:unsure:

09-12-11, 11:36
good news annie the dentist will be easy compared to having to wait for them results good luck xx

09-12-11, 12:07
Great news now enjoy your weekend xx

09-12-11, 12:10
Knew it ! :D Great news.

09-12-11, 12:13
Made up for you :) xxx

09-12-11, 12:29
Thankyou Again everyone...x :D

09-12-11, 12:43
Thats fantastic, knew you would be okay :) x

09-12-11, 13:08
Yay!!! Now you can focus on managing your anxiety and feeling better Xx

09-12-11, 13:32
Oh I am so happy for you!!! :yahoo: You have a wonderful weekend!