View Full Version : test results good but still no idea what is causing this.....

09-12-11, 07:37
I finally plucked up the courage to call the Dr yesterday to get my hood test results. I was literally shaking like a leaf. The receptionist time me that everything is normal! Of course I am hugely relieved, but I don't understand what can be the cause of my nighy sweats. I thought that since I now know I don't have leukaemia then if they were anxiety related they would have gone away, but last night was as bad as ever, I had to change my top twice. They checked ny thyroid and everything so it can't be anything serious right? I am 34 so surely too young for perimenopause? I have an appointment next week to discuss this with my Dr.

09-12-11, 07:43
Its great your results came back clear im awaiting mine today and like you am terrified of making that call, the clear results is a good sign so like you say you can discuss other reasons with your GP next week.!

10-12-11, 07:18
Cattia I am just so relieved that your test results are fine.
Have you had any children at all? Not that its a likely symptom but it could also possible be endometriosis. But yes the best thing is to have a talk to the doctor as they will be able to tell you more than we could.

10-12-11, 07:38
you are not too young for early menopause though it is rare at 34.I too have suffered night sweats for a few years (Im 40) and have had severe heavy periods.A laparoscopy showed there,s is nothing serious but my body isnt producing progesterone and i have an unusually thick womb lining(hence the heavy periods)......simply solved with the mini pill.
you can suffer with the peri menopause for 10 years leading up to the actual real thing.I would go and see your doctor and maybe get a gynae app't.

10-12-11, 07:58
Thanks, I have two children, my youngest is seven months old and I am still Breastfeeding him through the night. I had night sweats when I was first Breastfeeding which I know is normal, but they were gone for several months until I got this flu. I have not had a period in well over two years, as I got pregnant with my son whilst still Breastfeeding my daughter! Do you think these night sweats could be caused my some fluctuations in hormone levels? I would like another baby so I don't want to be going through the menopause yet! However I know I am lucky to have two healthy children.

10-12-11, 17:50
Night sweats could be fluctuations in hormone levels .....
as youre breastfeeding,its worth considering a possible blocked milk duct,or mastitis? that can cause pain and sweats too....if your flu symptoms go on too long perhaps you should see doctor.I once had an abscess in my nipple and had flu symptoms.....simple course of antibiotics got rid of it
dont worry about the Menopause....Im pretty sure its one of the above

10-12-11, 23:20
Hi .. this may not help but my friend mentioned that she had this recently - she is not at all worried just annoyed (she doesn't have HA!) - she feels her is due to new contraceptive implant. I know you haven't had that - but essentially it equals the same thing - hormones! I get this if I have bad colds sometimes also. I wouldn't worry but if you see your GP he may suggest some meds to balance the hormones out or at least reassure you x

10-12-11, 23:27
I have night sweats most nights but I just accept they are me and nothing serious lol

Usually worse when I have my period