View Full Version : Did I nearly die?

09-12-11, 07:38
Hey, I had really bad anxiety to the point where I literally was sO convinced that I was dying, I thought I was going to die any minute.. Did I nearly die or is this common with anxiety? Can't stop thinking about it.. Someone please help :(

09-12-11, 07:44
I have no idea in what state were you in? how did you feel?
I would say you just had anxiety.

09-12-11, 07:46
I was in an overwhelming state of anxiety and it came from no where, I felt kind of numb was just so convinced I was going to die :/ x

09-12-11, 07:48
we cant die from anxiety but it makes us feel like that unfort hope you feel a little better now xx

09-12-11, 07:50
I'm okay now it was just so overwhelming and it's hard to believe that anxiety can make you feel like that :( x

09-12-11, 07:57
its awful i get it alot, i know its difficult but just keep telling yourself it will pass it does pass but just doesnt feel like it at the time glad your ok now xxx

09-12-11, 08:07
Thankyou :) its just so frightening and scary xxx

09-12-11, 08:10
Honey it does sound awful. Have you thought about talking to someone about this?

09-12-11, 08:15
I'm having therapy an my mum used to have anxiety so I've got a really supportive family. Do you think it was anxiety or sonething serious? X

09-12-11, 08:18
it def sounds like anxiety but if you are scared or think is something else make an appointment at the drs if only for reassurance ,i used to live at the drs and was convinced i was dying after dr telling me everytime it was anxiety i felt so much better x

09-12-11, 08:21
Ive been to the doctors since because I've got a throat infection, she checked me over an everything and didn't mention anything more than a throat infection which made me feel so much better, it makes me feel better talking to my mum too because she went though ba anxiety and felt the same as me, thankyou for your advice :) xxx

09-12-11, 08:28
yw glad your ok now ,and yes it definatly does help if your mum went through the same as so many people who havent had it just dont understand
take care