View Full Version : everyone is dying around me.

09-12-11, 08:54
well im 17 and ive been having alot of trouble with this so called "anxiety" but anyway this thread really isnt about me today, its about the people around me.Well getting to the point as im still young why am i worried?? well thers been alot of people i know about my age just randomly dying and its just not fair that people so young as 16 can be took away from this cruel but loving world, i may be sounding over dramatic here but its not very nice when people u have said hello to or was close to has died, thankfully ive not experienced deaths from close relatives and hopefully i wont for a long time, take care everyone x

-kevin :flowers:

09-12-11, 09:07
Who is it that is dying?

09-12-11, 10:37
a person i knew died today.

09-12-11, 13:38
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a friend at 15 and I remember how hard it was. I actually saw them at a store just hours before they were killed in a car accident. My heart goes out to you. No one that young should ever die.

09-12-11, 13:39
thanks, and yes i know its hard but its life :(.

10-12-11, 15:27
When someone you know dies it does make you feel a bit funny for a while, its a normal response to it and prob even more so if they are around your age.

Just give yourself some time to come to terms with it and then carry on living your life, its all we can do x

10-12-11, 16:01
First I am really sorry for your loss, dying young is an awful thing. It is very scary. I'm 23 and everybody keeps telling me (docs included) "You're young, you have nothing to worry about." But then somebody my age drops dead and I think, "Well don't I have a lot to worry about?" We just have to keep reminding ourselves that the people who have passed away are the exceptions to the rule. Also, I guess there is not much we really have control over, so why worry? (I still worry though ... easier said than done)