View Full Version : Sore head going away with painkillers is this good?

09-12-11, 09:50
Does it mean I don't have a brain tumor is this good that my sore head going away with painkillers? My sore head at only at my front right side of my forehead really worried. :emot-crying:

09-12-11, 09:52
It's probably just a normal everyday headache.. If you had a brain tumour the pain would be persistant and it wouldnt go away x

09-12-11, 09:53
Thanks for the quick reply, just getting myself into a worry.

09-12-11, 09:55
You don't need to worry.. If you had a brain tumour you would have unbearable headaches that wouldn't go away, it is definatly a good thing that the painkillers have took your pain away, means its nothing serious. If your headaches carry on just make an appointment with your gp to put your mind at rest x

09-12-11, 09:58
Thanks my nose is all blocked up so I think I have a bit of the cold. :doh: Thanks again. :)

09-12-11, 09:59
Yeah it could be your sinuses that are blocked, there's a lot of nasty colds and bugs going around.. Take care :) x

10-12-11, 13:47
Feeling faint today really worried. :scared15:

10-12-11, 13:58
Does sound like anxiety, try not to worry you are not in excruciating pain or having visual disturbances. Make sure you are drinking enough water

10-12-11, 14:03
Thanks, just sneezed a few times and my head got sore, must have the cold after all.

10-12-11, 14:09
Yes and another symptom of sinuses

11-12-11, 00:59
I'm sneaking out and going to the hospital.

13-12-11, 11:57
Doctor said I have 'just a headache,' kinda of annoying was hoping he'd be able to work out what was wrong with me.