View Full Version : Walking with confidence help!

09-12-11, 10:03
Hi everyone
Just wondering does anybody else find walking really hard especially when in a crowd or even on their own? I keep finding myself becoming light headed and start to shake :/ . Currently I've been wearing headphones to try and find something to focus on in music but having no luck, how can I walk with confidence and have a normal facial expression?

09-12-11, 10:07
Hi i know what you mean when im in crowds it almost feels dreamlike sorry i have no idea how to help but your not alone on this.

09-12-11, 10:11
Yea dreamlike is exactly what is! Nail on the head there, it's weird but I'm glad you know what im talking about.

09-12-11, 10:48
I find the busier the crowd, the more I look down at my feet when I walk. I dont know what the solution to walking with more confidence might be. Maybe fake it til you make it? Think about how youd like to walk and pretend you are a film star rehearsing for a part? Might gradually make you begin to really feel confident.

09-12-11, 17:40
I get this as well, I hate it when I'm walking down the high St, or walking towards someone, I start thinking about how Im walking and then I start feeling like I'm walking in a weird way. But lately I started to think about improving my posture and keeping my head up and look straight ahead and it did help a bit.