View Full Version : It can be done!!!

09-12-11, 10:27
I wanted to post this to try and offer some hope to people.

I noticed that when I was going through the darkest parts of my anxiety that I couldn't find any success stories on the internet to keep me inspired and motivated. I promised myself that WHEN (not if) I got better, I would post this to try and give people a boost and to let you know that you can get through it.

It dawned on me that the reason I couldn't find any success stories is that once someone is 'better' that they are no longer thinking about their anxiety hence why they wouldn't think to tell people about it.

The only way I found that I could describe how I was feeling to someone who hadn't gone through it was to ask them what their biggest fear was, to imagine how they feel when faced with that fear and then to imagine that they feel that way about everything. Driving to work, going in to a supermarket, even eating and drinking.

My symptoms were the usual really - extreme nausea, indigestion, palpitations, panic attacks, paranoia, pins and needles, derealisation, dizziness, and the worst one was a problem with swallowing. I lost a lot of weight (I am only slight as it is) and I looked grey. This went on for me for about 12 months. I was an extreme hypochondriac. I was miserable all the time. I had constant negative thoughts running through my head. I nearly lost my partner. Nobody could stand to be around me.

Then, a few weeks ago I decided that enough is enough. I have to actually try (I mean really try) to pull myself out of this! I started eating healthily, I took vitamins, I had counselling sessions and hypnotherapy but I think the main thing that pulled me out was exercise and structure to my life. I drew up a weekly routine and I stuck to it. Monday was food shopping and eating out (my counseller said that this was the best way to get over my swalowing problem... to face my fears) Tuesday and Wednesday was 30 minutes of tough exercise, Thursday is date night with my fiance, Friday is badminton, Saturday is housework and Sunday is the gym.

And now, just a few weeks on, I feel back to my old self. I am in a good mood nearly all of the time, I feel as though I have energy. My apetite has gone through the roof. I feel content. I don't get panicky anymore. I don't get any of those horrible feelings anymore.

So there you have it. No matter how hopeless it feels right now, in a few short weeks things could be so much better for you. Please don't ever give up hope. The rest of your life will NOT be like this.

09-12-11, 11:02
:welcome: to nmp, i really enjoyed reading your story, i'm sure it will insprire many members, well done to you for overcoming the dreaded anxiety, long may it continue x

10-12-11, 05:28
"It dawned on me that the reason I couldn't find any success stories is that once someone is 'better' that they are no longer thinking about their anxiety hence why they wouldn't think to tell people about it." <- That also dawned upon me before. I also promised to myself to write one when it's all over with. Great thing you did write this :).

10-12-11, 05:59
I'm trying to write myself a plan to stick to. I know I need some structure in my life. I'm really struggling at the moment, but I need to get into basic stuff like showering and clean clothes!!! I know I need to break the cycle but I also know I need baby steps! I don't want to set myself up to fail........more anxiety! Like my old mum used to say.......how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time! So today........at some stage I will shower and put clean clothes on!

11-12-11, 19:50
Did it! The showering and clean clothes, not tackled the elephant yet! :) x

14-12-11, 21:20
Thank you so much for that, so great to hear of a success story. I've started the gym myself and I need to be more rigirous with it to see if it helps xxx

25-12-11, 02:06
It certainly inspired me. Thank you for sharing.

31-12-11, 17:17
Thank you for writing that, it shows that there is light at the end of the tunnel and I know really that I am going to have to fight this myself, it isn't going to help sat here waiting for a miracle, I have only been like this for two months after a bout of food poisoning which really affected my nerves, lose my appetite and stopped me from relaxing especially at night, I have made an appointment to see a psychoanalysist and am on beta blockers from the doctor, do you think this helped you or isn't it worth it? Thanks again for your story.:D

08-01-12, 02:59
well done, keep at it :)

08-01-12, 23:56
Thank you for sharing! It's so refreshing to read.
I may seriously consider planning a real structure to my week and forcing myself into a sleep routine.

Well done for overcoming this :) Keep it up. xxx