View Full Version : can anyone relate with me???

03-06-06, 18:06
WOW. I know exactly how everyone feels. My HA has been on an off which seems like FOREVER! But the past 4 months have been the worst. It all started in March when I got a headache. I did what the typical hypochondriac did....assumed it was cause by a brain tumor. Every day I constantly thought about it and my headaches got worse. Then one day my friend was talking and told me about one of her friend that got diagnosed with hodgkins Lymphona. I felt my lymph nodes...and guess what? My left lymph node in my neck was swollen (i think its swollen but it might just be my imagination). THen I did the next hypo move...web surfed my symptoms. I looked up Swollen Lymph Nodes and every website on lymph nodes that came up was about cancer. So of course one site was about leukemia...I clicked on it and checked out the symptoms. I wasnt having the symptoms of leukemia besides the lymph nodes but I couldnt stop thinking about the symptoms and about a week later my arms and legs started aching. Then i stopped thinking about it for about a week and the symptoms went away... then I got the flu and of course it had to be cause by cancer so my fears of leukemia came back and so did the symptoms...and its driving my NUTS. I'm soo sick on constantly thinking about this and I just want it all to end! Can anyone relate to these problems??

03-06-06, 23:59
Hi,Yes i can relate to how you are feeling,ive also had worries about leukemia and ive worried about my lymph nodes.
Mine started with headaches and dizziness and i done the worst possible thing and trawled through my whole medical dictionary,i diagnosed myself with a brain tumour...that was ten years ago and im still hear!!
What you are experiencing is very normal for someone suffering with anxieties about their health.
Like you said when you stopped thinking about your symptoms they went away,i know its easier said than done but try not to think or worry or dwell on any worries you have. If you can educate yourself on how anxiety effects us physically and once you can understand this it should help you.I am starting to feel better now with this understanding.
Hope you feel better soon!
Take care xx

04-06-06, 11:53
Yes, used to do it all the time and still do. If you suffer from anxiety, every bad thing, every twinge, every ache every sensation is just anxiety and can trigger mor eif you don't reassur eyourself that it is JUST ANXIETY. If your eally were ill the symptoms would persist, not only occur when you thought about them, so rest assured that you are fine.

However, I know what its like to be in the middle of one of those panics and what works for me is to do a simple relaxation exercise to take the edge of it and then distract myself with a simple task like tidying my room, playing a game, phoning a friend. If you keep yourself busy you don't give your brain time to think up things that could be wrong with you. So stay busy :)

hop eyou feel better soon.

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

04-06-06, 17:23
Ype I react to newws and think it fits me. I also ind stuff out of no where like you. I've worried about all the things you mention quite recently.

04-06-06, 20:56
i have been doing this torture for 4 years or more

i know how tired you feel i fear the fear and fear the symptoms

tkae care


12-06-06, 20:52
It's so crazy that anxiety can cause so many symptoms that appear to be so real. Thanks to all of you who replied to my concern..It really helped me out. I am still nervous a lot but its not on my mind as much. But it still is pretty consistant.

12-06-06, 21:11
I'm exactly the same, get a symptom - research and hey presto i've got the worst you can imagine. Then a couple of days later i'm on to something else. I drive myself nuts let alone my family!! If i get a new symptom i try to make myself wait 2 weeks before worrying about it, as its usually gone by then.

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

12-06-06, 21:39
Yep... me too.....

I am a total cancer worrier.
A couple to make you giggle..... Pain in the knee for weeks, thought I had bone cancer, this was after reading an article in a magazine. Went and had a x-ray, nothing there at all. Walked out the hospital, pain vanished.
Blood cancer, after seeing a few bruises on my arms, saw doctor, said I did not have it just by looking at me! Never saw the bruises again.
Stomach cancer.. ate out at a hotel the night before, had major visits to the loo the next day, 'what if' I thought, so panic set in, which of course has you in and out of the bathroom constantly..saw doctor again! assured me in his words 'you do not have a cancer' !
oooooo what else....... oh yes, skin cancer after a blemish kept popping up and I felt it twitching all the time... saw skin doctor, nothing major he said... twitching went away.
My latest one... Overian..... had a ultrasound last june, all looked normal, pain went away for months.... however it came back in March.............
Now Im thinking what if he missed it........................JEEZE......but of course cancer pain would not vanish for months im told......can I relax, of course I cant

12-06-06, 23:03
Born to worry, i bet youve got IBS. I went for a scan years ago cuz of tummy pain, thought it was an ovarian cyst, scan was all clear, wasnt for a couple of years after that it was diagnosed as IBS. But before i believed the hospital about the IBS i was cnvinced it was bowel cancer. But i tell you what, i came out that hospital and within a day the pain had gone, never had it back since and that was 12 years ago.

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

13-06-06, 01:45
yeah, i can't tell you how many times i've thought i've had cancer...and i'm only 18! what the heck..i hate how my brain does this to me..its so hard to control...does anybody have any suggestions on how to control it?? I'll do anything to get sickness of my mind! Can all of this HA cause me to get runny nose and sore throat??

13-06-06, 02:36
oh and one more annoying thing...i'm constantly checking myself for bruises and its gotten to the point where i hate taking showers because i find myself just checking for brusing. and of course the other day i hit my knee and i have a little bruise but im freaking out about it...ugh this is driving me crazy

13-06-06, 11:23
Whatisitnow....hmmm I wonder about IBS. Only thing is the pain radiates down the top of my thigh too.

stlcardinals15, yep I go through this, still hold my breath when I get in the shower or bath incase I find any lumps anywhere.

13-06-06, 18:55
Um borntoworry i had EXACTLY the same thing...the pain went down one thigh. My doctor gave it a name 'Referred pain'. Trust me ask your doc :D

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

13-06-06, 22:24
DARE i google 'Referred pain' [:O]:D

14-06-06, 12:28
lol Referred pain simply means a pain radiating from an existing pain (i think anyway) it was quite a few years ago now :D

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

18-06-06, 21:19
i wanna know what exactly bone pain is. because i look it up on the net (i know..NOT good) but it just says pain in bones. but i can't tell if my pains are in my muscles and tendons..or the actual bone.