View Full Version : can you see the fumes coming out your house?

09-12-11, 16:14
Hi, we have our boiler on and in every house i go to you can see the smoke/fumes leaving the house but in ours you can not and its starting to worry me a bit. :ohmy: x

09-12-11, 16:21
I'm confused . . . What is it that you're worrying about? :)

09-12-11, 16:33
The boiler :) when the boiler is on you can see fumes coming out the house but i can't at ours.

09-12-11, 16:44
I think it can depend on what type of boiler you have. We have one of those newish ones and there always seems to be a cloud of what looks like smoke coming out of the flue on the outside of the house when the boiler is on, although I think it's actually steam rather than fumes. Before the new boiler we never noticed anything. I think the colour of the flames in the boiler can also indicate if it's not right plus you can buy those carbon monoxide detectors if you are worried.

william wallace
09-12-11, 16:45
Em.ma it's not fumes or smoke, it's steam that you're seeing. Some heating systems let off steam, some do not.

09-12-11, 17:02
You haven't said what your worrying about

If it's gas exposure in your house, you'd be able to smell it
If it's a faulty boiler causing loss of energy, you'd notice a change in your bill

If your still worried get it checked out

09-12-11, 17:32
Buy a carbon monoxide detector, I think I told you about them before. It will put your mind at rest.

09-12-11, 19:01
Em.ma it's not fumes or smoke, it's steam that you're seeing. Some heating systems let off steam, some do not.

Yeah I think the newer condensing boilers do that, I'm sure that's what we have and as I said before you do get quite a lot of steam from them.

09-12-11, 22:51
Thanks. Well its defintly over 8 years old proberly older than that but we have had it serviced this year x

09-12-11, 23:10
Hi i have that it just steam dont think about it nothing to worry about:hugs:

09-12-11, 23:27
thanks- i dont have it lol thats what made me worried in the 1st place. i see no steam at all haha

09-12-11, 23:56
Oh I see maybe cos yours older sure It's fine x