View Full Version : Omg ... Could I have found my trigger to panic attacks and ibs

09-12-11, 20:08
Oh my god for years I've had social panic attacks and ibs issues daily (diareah and shakes within 20 minutes of eating every meal) which has got worse over the years - three days ago I switched to decaf tea - thought I would try anything that might help and I saw on a website that caffeine can cause panic attacks (I drink loads of black tea maybe 8 to 9 very large cups a day) and for the last three days my stomach has been fine no rushing to the toilet ... I am so so happy I wanna cry !!!

I haven't tested if its also connected to social phobia yet - but the feelings I get when I panic are similar with the addition of escaping - I can attend offsite team meetings but when it comes to going out for a drink or eating I panic.

Am going to test social situation Monday I have a team lunch at a local restaurant - I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is caffeine that's causing my panic attacks.

Please keep your fingers crossed for me :yahoo:

09-12-11, 20:13
Yeah caffine can make your adrenaline pump but you can also have an intollerence to Caffine which would could also add to it and jings you've been drinking loads hun.

Try cutting it all out for a few weeks and see what happens. Remember there is caffine in loads of stuff so check the labels.

Well done and good luck. Routing for you :hugs:


09-12-11, 20:29
Thanks Lisa :hugs: .. just been telling one of my best mates who knows situation over the phone and I started crying cos I can't believe for once i'm not running to the loo after every meal - I really hope caffine is connected to panic attacks too - would be fantastic if it is - I would be able to go out to pubs and clubs with my friends again after 15 years - I never imagine caffine could possibly be the cause.

If caffine is my trigger to my panic attacks too I hope that everyone on this site finds their trigger whatever it may be and can overcome panic attacks because people who dont have them don't realise how it affects us emotionally and physically xx

09-12-11, 20:32
thats great news for you caffeine has a lot to answer for ,and if it was your trigger well done on finding it, and good luck monday
take care

09-12-11, 20:43
Smiffy :hugs:

My fingers and toes are crossed for you hun

Love Lisa

09-12-11, 20:49
Thanks Amanda I'm keeping everything crossed for monday xx

09-12-11, 20:49
This is from my "coping" website page on here:


Medically, caffeine is useful as a cardiac stimulant and also as a mild diuretic (it increases urine production). Recreationally, it is used to provide a "boost of energy" or a feeling of heightened alertness. It's often used to stay awake longer - college students and drivers use it to stay awake late into the night. Many people feel as though they "cannot function" in the morning without a cup of coffee to provide caffeine and the boost it gives them.
Caffeine is an addictive drug. Among its many actions, it operates using the same mechanisms that amphetamines, cocaine and heroin use to stimulate the brain. On a spectrum, caffeine's effects are more mild than amphetamines, cocaine and heroin, but it is manipulating the same channels and that is one of the things that gives caffeine its addictive qualities. If you feel like you cannot function without it and must consume it every day, then you are addicted to caffeine.
Panic sufferers are usually advised to cut out caffeine because of the stimulant effects it has on the brain and body.
Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa and don't forget that some soft drinks contain caffeine as well : Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Dr Pepper, RedBull and fizzy Lucozade to name just 5!
I stopped drinking tea, coffee and any soft drinks containing caffeine in September 2000 and it has had a dramatic effects on my Panic attacks. If I now drink a soft drink containing caffeine then I end up shaking and feeling quite ill! For the first few months I really missed a cup of tea in the morning but it was worth the sacrifice for my health. I now drink water instead so I get more than my recommended 8 glasses a day. If you really can't face a day with tea or coffee then use the decaffeinated varieties - they aren't that bad!

09-12-11, 21:12
I still drink way too much caffiene now. Its something that I enjoy to drink so I cant see me stopping it but I know that every night I can feel my heart palpatating in my chest. I know it is because of coffee.

I hope it works out for you! Good luck for Monday! :)

09-12-11, 21:28
Sar04167 have you tried decaf coffee- Im an avid tea drinker and I haven't noticed the difference with decaf tea (okay apart from withdrawal headaches but it's better than the usual on normal tea)- its definately worth a try - with a glass of wine in my hand I'm saying bring on Monday I do hope I've found my answer

10-12-11, 06:11
Panic sufferers are usually advised to cut out caffeine because of the stimulant effects it has on the brain and body.http://www.uklv.info/g.gif

william wallace
11-12-11, 21:06
This is from my "coping" website page on here:


Medically, caffeine is useful as a cardiac stimulant and also as a mild diuretic (it increases urine production). Recreationally, it is used to provide a "boost of energy" or a feeling of heightened alertness. It's often used to stay awake longer - college students and drivers use it to stay awake late into the night. Many people feel as though they "cannot function" in the morning without a cup of coffee to provide caffeine and the boost it gives them.
Caffeine is an addictive drug. Among its many actions, it operates using the same mechanisms that amphetamines, cocaine and heroin use to stimulate the brain. On a spectrum, caffeine's effects are more mild than amphetamines, cocaine and heroin, but it is manipulating the same channels and that is one of the things that gives caffeine its addictive qualities. If you feel like you cannot function without it and must consume it every day, then you are addicted to caffeine.
Panic sufferers are usually advised to cut out caffeine because of the stimulant effects it has on the brain and body.
Caffeine is commonly found in coffee, tea, chocolate, cocoa and don't forget that some soft drinks contain caffeine as well : Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Dr Pepper, RedBull and fizzy Lucozade to name just 5!
I stopped drinking tea, coffee and any soft drinks containing caffeine in September 2000 and it has had a dramatic effects on my Panic attacks. If I now drink a soft drink containing caffeine then I end up shaking and feeling quite ill! For the first few months I really missed a cup of tea in the morning but it was worth the sacrifice for my health. I now drink water instead so I get more than my recommended 8 glasses a day. If you really can't face a day with tea or coffee then use the decaffeinated varieties - they aren't that bad!

Hers another one from ifines. He/she just copies and pastes a random sentence from the thread. I fink it may be a Spambot:D

11-12-11, 22:45
Everytime I've spoken to my doctors over many years about panic attacks and ibs they've never once suggested cutting out caffine - when I was tested for ibs many years ago I was given a list off foods to avoid like wholemeal bread / wholemeal pasta / onions / cauliflower etc etc.

I'm still on decaf tea and so far so good my stomach has been okay now to test panic attacks tmrw going out for lunch tmrw if that goes well might try cinema with a friend next week and hopefully build from there

11-12-11, 22:58
Hi i hope it works for you.I drink a lot of tea and not a lot of coffee but when i get a panic attack and that dreaded depressed feeling that comes with it (in my case) i find that i just can't face drinking tea,coffee or anything much else,and just try to sip water.Is this a common reaction i wonder?

11-12-11, 23:19
Glad you found your trigger :) I'm still working on mine :)

12-12-11, 00:26
I've also cut caffeine out of my diet, well I eat chocolate, does that not have some caffeine in it? Also, I smoke, but I've cut down cos nicotine is REALLY bad for anxiety.

When I was in a psych ward all the tea and coffee was decaff. It was supposed to be a secret but one of the nurses told me. Makes good sense in my opinion.