View Full Version : Lump in throat.... So scared

09-12-11, 20:36
Hi, well, I had nearly made a whole year of no postings and finally thought my health anxiety had gone away, but here it is again!

So I have had, what feels like a lump in my throat for over a week now. It kind of feels like I have swallowed a big pill and it has not gone down right and is just stuck. It is not painful particually but really uncomfortable and now I'm really worried as it seems to be getting worse. I have tried gaviscon but it doesnt seem to help.

The only think I can think that has caused it is that his time last week I went on a boat trip and got really seasick, my husband said I was wretching really hard. But I have been sick loads before and never had this after.... Especially not over a week after.

I am just so petrified.... I am currently on an extended honeymoon in new Zealand with my husband, and should be having he tim of my life, but all I want to do is come home, what if it is cancer? Or something else? I really need to be a home.

Another reason I am petrified is that I lost my mum 5 years ago ( she was 48) a week before she died, she went to the dr to say she was getting chest pains, he said it was her hiatus hernia (which I self diagnosed myself with through google) a week later she had a heart attack and died.

I'm so petrified, if anyone can help I would be so grateful


09-12-11, 20:45
Please stop worrying. I get this ALL the time! It's a common cause of anxiety, I suck boiled sweets and it goes away. Enjoy your honeymoon :-)

09-12-11, 20:46
Hi when my anxiety was really bad i had the lump in the throat feeling constantly, it felt horrible and i felt like my neck was swollen aswell, this is a classic anxiety symptom honestly, just try and relax a little and not think about it, i know its hard cause i was constantly swallowing when i had it and feeling my neck but now my anxiety is better its gone so it truly is your anxiety hun xx

09-12-11, 20:51

Mega common symptom of anxiety and it even has it's own name because it's so common. Globus hystericus. It's horrible as it does feel so physical. Been in tears many a time with it myself.



09-12-11, 21:01
Yep, I've had it too and once you notice it you concentrate on it so much that it seems so much worse. Try to distract yourself and I bet you'll not notice it. Enjoy yourself because you don't want to look back on your honeymoon and regret spending most of it feeling anxious.

K xxx