View Full Version : Set Back

09-12-11, 22:56
I have had my first panic attack in about 3/4 years,I hate myself for letting it creep back in.

We lost our dog Tuesday and on Wednesday my mum was rushed into hospital,her heart stopped and she had a pacemaker fitted yesterday.

In the hospital I started to panic at one point had to lie on the bed next to her,I was supposed to be strong for her not weak!!!!!!

It didnt last long,I did my breathing and it passed,but now since then its been coming and going.This morning in the early hours I was woken at 3.00am with a very fast heart and of course panic!!!!!

Mum came home today,and Im still very anxious, I thought I had lost her Wednesday and now its just keeps going through my mind.

I had come so far over the last few years and Im scared this is going to set me back.:weep:

Im scared to go to bed incase she is ill again and incase I wake up in panic!!!!!

09-12-11, 23:01
Hi sorry for the loss of you dog and your mum being ill i would be in a panic too:hugs:it normal you feeling like this i know i would too your mum will be fine now she got the proper help.You will be alright in a few days you see, take care thinking of you xx

10-12-11, 08:14
What you are feeling is perfectly normal in the difficult times you are presently experiencing. Dont be too hard on yourself. You are just confusing what you feel now with what you felt before and thinking it will be as bad as before but in reality you have learnt how to deal with it and you will again and the thought of not be able to deal with it would make it worse.

10-12-11, 11:16
Hi, my heart goes out to you , it was bad enough losing your little dog, but your mum on top of that, evem the strongest of us would panic, but it is just a setback, i'm sure you will pick up again soon, take it easy and go with it just now, you will get there, thinking of you x

10-12-11, 23:34
Thanks for your replies.xxxxxxxxxxx

11-12-11, 00:44
Hi Yorkylover,

It sounds like you're going through a really rough time which is bad enough, but you also seem to be giving yourself a hard time for feeling the way you do. I know it's hard but try to be kinder to yourself, you don't deserve the think you're weak on top of going through challenging times. In fact, reading your post made me think what a strong person you must be. xx