View Full Version : Still suffering, but therapy is helping big time!

10-12-11, 07:52
Hiya folks, just wanted to check in and tell everyone how well CBT has been going for me. My therapist is great and although my symptoms are not going away completely I am beginning to be able to accept them and move on without panicking (sometimes- tonight I am feeling panicky!).

A few things I want people's opinions on:

1. Caffeine- if I have three cups of tea would that make me more prone to a panic attack- and would it aggravate physical symptoms?

2. I still feel slight numbness in my face and leg (left side only). I have shoulder pain, neck pain, jaw pain, jaw clenching and back pain. I also sleep on a bad mattress, wear bad shoes and have poor posture. Would these things contribute to the feeling of numbness and can anyone relate to these symptoms? The facial numbness is worse when my head is tilted forward for a long time and my leg thing only happens when I'm in bed!

3. Deficient in vitamin B12: I had a complete physical checkup done in August with blood work and my pap is up to date. The only thing that came back was my vitamin B12 deficiency. Would this have a lot to do with symptoms like the ones listed above? Again, can anyone relate?

Thanks guys, I hope everyone is having a good weekend!