View Full Version : Diarrhoea for a week

10-12-11, 09:13
Started feeling a bit off colour last Saturday - sick, tired, achy, but not ill enough to go to bed. On Monday I had diarrhoea, first thing in the morning, but not again throughout the day. I continued to feel not quite right all week, and it was only yesterday that I started feeling considerably better. However, every day, when I've got up I've had diarrhoea just once.

Not eating much, but my diarrhoea has now turned yellowish, and today there was some mucus in it. Should I be worried? Sensibly I'm thinking this is a low grade bug, but my health anxiety has started to return. For the last nine months 20mcg Citalopram has kept this under control, but I'm now approaching my really stressy busy time of the year, and I think despite the medication, it is beginning to bother me.

At the back of my mind I am just worried that this is bowel cancer. Everyone is laughing at me. Any reassurance or guidance would be so appreciated. When I've googled it says you should go to the doctor if you have diarrhoea for over a week, and I'm nearly there.

Please help.

Thank you so much.

11-12-11, 10:26
Last night I had my first proper meal in a week, and this morning had awful diarrhoea again. About an hour ago I went to the loo and this time it was solid, but very thin, pencil like. Is this a sign I am getting better, or should I really start worrying now. Is it possible to have a stomach upset for a week without actually being sick? Sorry to bang on about this, but any advice gratefully received. Thank you.

11-12-11, 12:46
Sounds like you either have a bug or IBS TO ME ..Pencil shaped stools are common whenn you havn,t eaten or are constipated .Worrying about all this is only making it worse as it affects the nervous system and it causes the bowel to go into spasm s..Drink some smoothies if you cant eat much and also Complan .More fibre will bulk the stools and get rid of the water.Oats are better than wheat if its IBS ..If you dont feel any better after a few days .Go see the Dr .not because I think you have anything serious ,but it will stop the anxiety this is causing you .He will also be able to perscribe you or recommend something to help with the symptoms.Im sure you will feel better soon .t/c Sue x

11-12-11, 17:31
Joking aside. You`re on a panic forum. Diarrhoea is a classic anxiety symptom.
I`ve just said this and its 100% decent advice. Boil some water. Let it cool to drinking temperature and sip a full glass.

Seriously. Avoid heavy spicy or fatty foods, infact avoid most food barr light stuff. A scrambled egg or a bit of fish is you`re hungry. I know what I`m on as, I`ve just went through the same thing this month. 10 days of diarrhoea and stomach issues.
Most likely my stomach bug or whatever I had (totally common and normal for ANYONE to get this) basically gave me the runs and I felt sick although never vomited.
My GENUINE symptoms would only have lasted 2 or 3 days but my ANXIETY strung them out and pulled them along for another week. I basically knew it was worry about seriously unlikely causes that was making my stomach upset.
When this hit home......voila! I improved.
Try the water thing.


12-12-11, 09:36
Thank you both so much for taking the time to reassure me, and to give me such helpful advice. I thought I had been much better recently, as far as health anxiety is concerned. But, I have felt over the last two months or so that maybe I did need to increase Citalopram. I'm currently on 20mcg. I've had a few scary moments in bed, trying to go to sleep, when I've felt the "poison" feeling in my chest, and on the verge of panic again.

Without boring you with details, from now on I have lots to do and worry about, and I have felt overwhelmed about the demands I've got. Having felt so off colour has made me feel quite depressed. I've made a doctor's appointment for tomorrow so will see what happens. There is a bug going around the place I live at the moment, but of course I go to "nuclear" as my husband says about any slight health issue. This year has been Hell with regards to odd health problems (nothing was sinister at all in the end) but I feel I've had my full quota for this year. Citalopram had been such a wonderful help, and I had, for quite a while, been so much better, happier and able to cope. I'll see if the doctor will increase the dose.

I'm so touched by your help, and thank you once again.

16-12-11, 11:56
Just a quick update, and it might help the other poster who had had similar problems to me.

Went to the doctor who prodded my tummy, felt some inflammation, and asked lots of questions. There is nothing sinister, however. She knows I have been on Citalopram, suffer from health anxiety, and immediately suggested I up the dose. She also gave me some medication (antibiotics?) - a four day course of tablets for the tummy upset. She thinks it is a virus.

I am now on day 3 of the tablets, and although my stomach is still not right, have felt a bit better. When I go to the loo in the morning, instead of watery diarrhoea (sorry TMI), its small fluffy bits. Obviously this is not perfect, but hopefully I am now getting better.