View Full Version : Bone cancer :( no one believes me

10-12-11, 09:33
I am so scared I have bone cancer. I have a ache in my left leg from my groin down to my toes. I also have tingling in that leg and shooting pains in my knee as well as discomfort in the knee. My doctor dismisses me as having bad ha without checking or scanning. Probably because in the last 2 weeks I have seen him about my sore breast and then only on Monday chest pain.

I have been on the bone cancer website and read accounts of people with bone cancer and it sounds just what I have.

My husband can't believe I now have convinced myself I have this and is losing patience with me, I have been on cipromil 10mg for 10 days with no effect.

I have cried wolf so many times that how I probably really have bone cancer and no one is taking me seriously I feel so scared and alone :(

10-12-11, 11:15
I know how you feel i am having worries because they said i had a cyst on my left ovary and possible endometriosis and i just feel so ill. I keep thinking i have something serious and its spreading because i wake up each morning and i feel like i have been battered. I wake up each morning and my lower back/hip/groin is aching then the next day i wake and the side of my head is numb and dizzy,today i feel like i have been to a gym because my arm and neck is so sore. I have had my bloods done and they were ok. Have you had yours done lately? Its so hard to think posistive when we have so many symptoms. I know what you mean about your partner losing patience because mine does too. I have convinced myself the last few months that i have had ovarian cancer,stomach/bowel cancer because of diarrhea and stomach pains/nausea and a brain tumour because i keep going light headed and the side of my head feels numb.
Hope you feel better soon and you are definitely not alone x

10-12-11, 12:37
I had my bloods done in August, doctor hasn't suggested having them done. He has been really good at identifying my health anxiety and depression but my knee pain doesn't seem to concern anyone, but it is worrying me and I am sure it's getting worse as the day goes on I am convinced it's bone cancer after reading about it and personal accounts if people who have passed with it :(

I am just sitting here now with my knee elevated and rested and it's still hurting. At the moment I am still moving ok but it just aches and no one else seems to have it

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 11:36 ----------

I am just so scared and no one else has knee ache I wish I hadn't googled but I have and that's all the proof I need, I don't want to die and leave my lil girl

10-12-11, 13:03
It could be a trapped nerve or something similar.

I am sure it isn't bone cancer though

Please stop googling - you will make things worse

10-12-11, 13:06
:( I wish I could think rationally I don't want my health anxiety to cause me to pay out hundreds to get a scan because my doctor won't do one.

My knee ache/pain is constant is it possible I could be making it constant by thinking about it? I don't know what to do to differentiate between what's real and what's anxiety

10-12-11, 13:36
Yes it is possible because i do it myself the more you focus on a certain part of your body the more fixated and notice every little twinge and ache and sensation. Your knee ache will probably ease in a few days and then you will have an headache for a few days and then convince yourself you have a brain tumour. Googling is the worst thing we can do because people with ha just focus on the negatives and pick out the worst case scenario. Believe me i know how you feel i really do and i wish i could heed my own advice about googling.

10-12-11, 13:52
But this feels so real it's horriblenits not a real painful pain but constant ache I can't believe I am feeling like this again, I have been going therapy, taking cipromil and reading a overcoming health anxiety book but here I am yet again with a new symptom scaring me :(

10-12-11, 13:55
Put a pillow under your knee and see if that helps it.

10-12-11, 13:56
It's not to bad when I sit still tho can still feel it but when I move it aches more

10-12-11, 13:59
Sounds to me like a pulled muscle. Have you done any lifting over the past few days?

10-12-11, 14:01
No lifting I had trouble getting up the other day when I knelt down I am only 25.

My knee is where the pain is centred but my whole leg aches and weirdly my teeth feel funny like I am teething. I am convinced it's bone cancer :(

10-12-11, 14:16
I would just rest it and see how it goes, I don't want to Google anything in case I end up thinking I have it, sorry. :sad:

I think you should rest it over the weekend and see how it is. Try to take your mind off it, I remember I slipped on ice a few years ago and hurt my wrist, I was in a lot of pain but then after watching TV and laughing at a few jokes I got up and carried my plate through to the kitchen with my hurt arm! Made me glad as I knew I hadn't broken it or anything.

10-12-11, 14:31
Have trouble resting it as have a 3 year old but will see how it goes pretty convinced I will be bothering the doctor with it again but reading up on bone cancer has scared me its pretty hard to treat and is often misdiagnosed as other stuff before finding its cancer.

Also most common site is around the knee and the symptom of bone cancer is a dull ache like pain :(

11-12-11, 12:32
I understand how you feel, ive been exactly the same for around 5 weeks now. Ive had a lot of physical symptoms such as shooting pains in my head, upset stomach, regularly heaving, feeling full of wind and burping, but mainly aching hips & buttocks, and trembly/weak legs, lots of twitches in my legs, and I keep shivering and feeling really cold. Its been persistant for 5 weeks. Ive been to the GP 3 times and they said its all anxiety. I have seen 3 doctors over the past few weeks and I wasnt convinced its anxiety due to the sverity of the symptoms. Ive convinced myself I have lukemia, MS, Parkinsons, etc....On my 3rd visit to the doctor last Thursday he sent me to have some blood tests done and Im awaiting results. He told me that if we ruled out all of the things that are going through my mind I might start to feel better as he's 99% sure his personal opinion its anxiety??? I am terrified and keep thinking the blood results will come back abnormal. Its so frightening!