View Full Version : some advice

04-06-06, 10:43
hi guys im starting my new job tommorow i feel really nervous and apprehenisve a bit sicky but also excited, im worrying more about the travelling etc then i am the job. I have to get the bus at 7am every moring and for me mornings are horrible, u know the shaky lightheaded, unreality feeling, it also takes me ages to focus which would mean getting up much too early, im scared of the bus journey in case i faint or loose control etc or start to feel ill and panic

has anyone got any suggestions for me xx[?]

04-06-06, 11:26
well firstly congratulations on your new job i'm really happy for you!!! obviously being nervous about a new job is quite normal but when you suffer with this anxiety its ten times worse and believe me I know what that feels like! I think you have to just stay focused as we have this habit of worrying excessifuly about things that very well may not happen, its just you know how being on transport and early mornings make you feel. Its bloody awfull but for you to get this far in getting a new job having got thru an interview to get where you are is fantastic! I wish I had the cofidence and strengh within to get where you are as I think its brilliant and shows your strenghs not weaknesses! You will probably be exhausted by the end of it but you will have done it! good luck tc xx


04-06-06, 11:41
Yes congrats Katy. I think your amazing to have got a job, well done you. It is natural to feel nervous too so don't let old anxiety fool you about that one. Have you any music you like or relaxation CDs etc that you can play or download onto a personal hi-fi or I-pod to use when you are on the bus journey to help you relax? Can you read while travelling as that could distract you. Rescure remedy? Could you do the journey today and just run through it or run through it in your mind and plan some strategies that you could put in place? Hope these help

Take care

'This too will pass'

04-06-06, 11:44
Before you go to bed tonight, do some relaxation exercises - there are plenty about on this site and on the internet elsewhere - take time to do it and don't be afraid if you end up staying late. When you climb into bed reassure yourself repeatedly that you are going to have a restful night's sleep and that you will wake up feeling refreshed and happy. It helps if you believe it but you dont have to because your subconciouss will take it onboard anyway. As you lay in bed, do the relaxation technique I described in my post "positive reenforcement" in the top tips section (its the numbered bit at the bottom). If youa re anything like me you will drift off before the end of it!

This should get you a good nights rest, which will mean you'll be stronger for the morning, and more focussed. Then all you need remember is that fearing fallling ove, passing out is a sure sign that it isn't going to happen

Good luck with the job :)

* * *
It's just my high anxiety getting to the best of me. I call him Bingbongilypoop. Then I can laugh at him cos he has a funny name. HAHA! [points]

05-06-06, 09:53
Hi Katy, just wondering how it went for you today, please let us know, was thinking of you this morning.

Take care

'This too will pass'

12-06-06, 15:54
how did the new job go ? i have been thinking about you


........life is for living not just for surviving