View Full Version : So, so fed up - Should I close NMP account?

10-12-11, 15:43
Hi all,

I've been a member of NMP on and off for about 10 months, at times found it a real support and talked to some lovely people.

I've recently started taking fluxoetine for panic disorder and anxiety (please don't tell me that they aren't the right meds for my illness). I've been taking them for 20 days now and had a really positive 5 days, almost back to my old self. The last few days however have been horrendous, massive panic attack yesterday, dizzy, scared to go outside again. I've literally took a million steps back.

I honestly can't take much more of this, I'm becoming so depressed! I used to be the life and soul of the party, always out, I have a promising career and now . . . . I feel like I have nothing. I can't go anywhere and I can't do anything. I was supposed to go with my partner to get some shopping and dog food but we got to the end of the street in the car and I had to come back.

I'm becoming obsessed with checking the fluxeotine forum on NMP to find success stories of how this med has helped people and desperately trying to fit their experience to mine.

Will I ever feel better and why do I feel like this?

10-12-11, 15:54
I'm wondering the same :(

I become a bit obsessed with checking the forum, it triggers me at times. The arguing has got to me and I feel sometimes that as lovely as the people are on here it is just make believe (cyber friendship). I guess I crave human interaction, I guess many of us do :(

Sorry, don't think I helped there :(

10-12-11, 16:42
I know its difficult but try to stick with it. I'm on day 36 and this is the first week I have been out every day. Today I walked around a supermarket for the first time in about 6 weeks. I still don't feel back to normal and am up and down during the day but I do think I'm getting there.

You've done well so far, this is just a blip.

10-12-11, 22:30
I think you should stick to the NMP website.. It would be a shame to go and not get the support that you could be getting from all these people.

If you are getting obsessed with checking the threads maybe limit yourself being on here and try to deal with the fact that you are obsessing about things rather than cutting it out of your life when you need it most.

You will get there.. as taketwo says its just a blip.. hang in there! :hugs:

10-12-11, 23:35
Im going to limit my time on here, for me i dont feel its healthy to be reading about it all the time.

The thing with limiting is self control, that i might struggle with, but i shall try.

11-12-11, 05:27
You need to realise that the fear is being caused by yourselves. Its up to you how you react to it. You need to face it and accept it as hard as that may seem and do your best to work through it. If it isnt the No More Panic site that sets it off it will only be something else that you will have to avoid.

Just know that it cant hurt you. They are only thoughts and symtoms of Anxiety.

I have been where you are and I am not completely cured and may never be but I know that I can deal with it based on all the knowledge I have recieved from this very site.

macc noodle
11-12-11, 10:14
You need to realise that the fear is being caused by yourselves. Its up to you how you react to it. You need to face it and accept it as hard as that may seem and do your best to work through it. If it isnt the No More Panic site that sets it off it will only be something else that you will have to avoid.

Just know that it cant hurt you. They are only thoughts and symtoms of Anxiety.

I have been where you are and I am not completely cured and may never be but I know that I can deal with it based on all the knowledge I have recieved from this very site.

Excellent post Rod and exactly what my therapist would have said had she been posting on here.


I am on the long road to recovery from health anxiety and I admit I used to spend ages trawling the posts from other sufferers to see if the symptoms matched mine and to see what actions they had taken - did it give me any comfort at the time ? Well, yes, I suppose it did because I am also very fearful of actually visiting the doctors so it made me feel less anxious that others too were feeling the same way. And how do I feel now that I am feeling loads better? honestly? Well I can look at the same threads and feel happy and positive that I am no longer looking at them for comfort or to reinforce my fears and can only hope that the other members who have posted on them have made some steps to recovery also.

The site is not the problem, the illness is and avoidance is not the recommended professional advice BUT I would say that only you can decide how you feel about it and go with your instincts.

Good luck

Macc Noodle


11-12-11, 10:22
Thanks for your replies guys, they are much appreciated!

For me it's much more the fact that I'm on week 3 and all of a sudden these side effects have kicked in! I think . . . I'm so tired and fed up of feeling anxious and panicky. I just need to know that they are working :-(

13-12-11, 14:03
Hi ... I am not on the same med , but it doesn't matter ... I am on week 6 and still having some bad days with panic sometimes, anxiety, or symptoms that we know well ... and also it is my second time on the meds for PA.
I had my first PA diagnosed 10 years ago ... treated for just over a year with a different med I am just now and was FINE for 10 years and thought it would never happen again, but it did ... here I am feeling the same as you are but due to my experience I know it will go away ... NOT EASY to go through but it will get better ... the forum is great because you know from people experiences that you are in the right track somehow ... we are all different and have different thoughts .... but we ALL want to get better ... try to be as positive as possible and try to be friends with you FEARS ... it works !:hugs:

16-12-11, 17:09
Im going to limit my time on here, for me i dont feel its healthy to be reading about it all the time.

The thing with limiting is self control, that i might struggle with, but i shall try.

I totally agree with you about it not being good for you..or anyone to spend too much time embroiled in forums like this..I'm convinced it just re enforces your symptoms..your illness becomes your every waking thought..the way I beat panic and anxiety disorder was not to give it a second though..I know it's not that easy for a lot of people.. I was lucky to get a job that required every ounce of my concentration so panic didn't get a look in!! LOOK OUTWARDS NOT INWARDS and you'll find your way out of your hell..I went from exsisting curled up in an armchair..barely able to leave it even to go loo..to 95% back to the old me.

---------- Post added at 17:09 ---------- Previous post was at 16:59 ----------

Can I just add..I'm sure a lot of you will think how did she cope with a job if she was supposedly so ill..well trust me I was VERY ill...but I coped by taking things one hour at a time..literally one hour..I kept telling myself just get to 1 o clock then to 2 o clock and so on..crazy as it sounds..thats how I made it..I only worked part time anyway..and if panic did creep up on me I took a Diazepam..eventually the Diazepams got less and less..and I forgot about the time..my thoughts were too taken up with what I was doing..it took a few weeks but now I'm ok and have been for a long time..everyone has different coping mechanisms I guess..but that was mine.