View Full Version : i woke up this morning feeling really

04-06-06, 10:51
this is the second time it happened
im on prozac and serenace which i can take when required if i feel all agaited and to relax me
i havent took any serenace for a couple of days but ive been taking my prozac

im unsure why im feeling shakey

04-06-06, 11:33
Ah Bell sorry you are feeling shakey today, we all have bad days, it may be due to reducing your meds or just your body readjusting. It takes time for the body to readjust itself doesn't it. I thought after my tests were clear I'd feel great and symptoms would go but they don't it just takes time. I am trying to float as Claire Weeks advises, easier said than done!

Take care

'This too will pass'

04-06-06, 12:24
Hi Lilbell

There can be initial side effects from medications like Prozac initially.

How long have you been taking this medication?


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

04-06-06, 22:27
thanks daizybun and karen i been taking prozac for two months and now they uped my dose to two tablets
and also i got serenace wich i can take a max of two when required

07-06-06, 10:23
ive woke up again feeling shakey it been happening for the last 3 days
i went the docs and told them but they wont listen
dont know what to do

09-06-06, 08:33
i have woke up again this morning shaky

09-06-06, 14:26

Sorry you aren't feel well. Are you eating enough? Sleeping enough? I know when I was on prozac it made me shake, possibly the added dose is just now getting into your system and your body is going to take some time to adjust. I hope you feel better soon, if not keep telling the doctors and hopefully they will eventually listen. Try taking a hot calm bath and listen to some nice music, maybe that will help.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

09-06-06, 20:50
it goes after a hour or so but i get very alarmed when it get up with it