View Full Version : I feel so lonely

11-12-11, 08:57
hi everyone I feel so alone, my parents are in there 70's so I really dont want to cause them any bother my sister and brother have there own families and I have very few friends the ones I do have are not that close, I hate going out and dont know how to make new close friends, Im a single mum and when my son goes to his dads its a though I shrink into my shell and do nothing, if I go out I feel dizzy and sick, came home from work early on friday as I felt sick and didnt want to be there, I am currently doing CBT but event he Private Medical Health Care only funds 7 sessions I dont know what im going to do when that finish's, I need to know how other people cope? I have looked online at lonliness chat rooms but they all seem to be for older people not for anyone in there 30's now im also worried about my job because if I keep going home sick they will get rid of me and then I dont know what I would do, a lottery win perhaps :D does anyone else feel the same as me, and if you do have you managed to cope with it

11-12-11, 09:26
I'm very lonely as well, but I just try to keep busy and think about the new year and what I am going to do. You have to get out there if you want to meet people, it takes effort and determination.

11-12-11, 10:13
lonelyness is horrid...but you are not alone cos you are part of nmp.
i know its not quite the same but there are people to chat to and you will make some good friends im sure of that.
it is hard i am a single parent and brought mine up alone too,
you do need to get out there...easier said then done i know. what about an evening class or some volentry work or something.
i dont have many close friends near by but i do have two jobs now so i keep busy which helps alot.
how old is your son? is there any groups he goes to that you could offer to help at.
you can and will cope ...and it does get better especailly as the anxiety/panic eases.

12-12-11, 12:34
Maybe a hobbie that you enjoy? Perhaps the gym or classes. I know that at my gym, the same ladies do the same classes every week and they’ve formed a little friendship. They go out socially sometimes etc. It is hard, especially when you get into your 30’s to get out and meet people. What about some social networking websites???

12-12-11, 12:41
I agree with the others, getting out there is the only way to meet people, they won't come to you. Hobbies or night classes are a great idea as you meet people you already have something in common with.

evil monkey
12-12-11, 15:30
Can you try and do something that can increase your confidence inside, gym or a sport or something.

Then you'll be more confident about going out. sometimes just 'going out' isn't the answer, because what you dont want can happen out and about as well as what you want to happen x

12-12-11, 16:27
Maybe if you could find other people close by like on websites/friendsites I'm sure there is some and if you have the confidence to meet up then you should.
As the others suggested maybe a gym etc.
I started to help out at my daughters nursery and my other childrens school and have slowly started to get aquainted with other moms....I'm very shy and don't have friends either to be honest but it is nice to have soem adult company now and again or to chat with others who are in the same boat.
Hope you feel better soon xxx

12-12-11, 16:39
I agree with the others: joining a group or class is a great way to tackle loneliness. I think we've all been there are some point, especially those of us who aren't naturally extroverted or outgoing. I have recently joined a meditation group which is now the highlight of my week, especially as the people who attend are so lovely and restore my faith in humanity. Perhaps you could think about an ambition or interest you have and follow through with that. You could attend a counselling course if you would like to help other people who feel lonely. I did that last year and met some very lovely people: you can guarantee that people who are interested in helping others are going to be good people! It might also give you something to do while your son is at his dad's in terms of homework. Definitely something to consider xx

12-12-11, 17:02
Best thing I ever did was go to university (Im 39 and in my 3rd yr), Ive met some great friends with lots in common and same intellectual ability - which means I can talk to them about geeky stuff my friends and family dont understand :)
Are there any local support groups you could attend? your cbt therapist may be able to advise you there. Group work can be a very effective therapy and you make friends and combat your social exclusion too.
What about a night class, or a relaxation class or tai chi xx