View Full Version : Panic, anxiety & dying.

11-12-11, 09:27
Does anyone else have a panic attack and feel like thy are dying ? And then after the panic attack think that they almost did die? Is this all anxiety? It's crazy I feel like I'm dying and tht I have got something wrong with me but the doctors and my family tell me I'm fine? Guess I should believe them, but it's so so hard! Any comments would be appreciated, thanks x

11-12-11, 11:18
Hi! Yes, almost every really bad panic attack I've had I feel like I am dying. It happened just last night actually. I know it really really sucks, but just remember that it's all part of the attack. And slowly it will get better you just have to let it pass. Remember that although it's hard to believe what anyone has said about you being okay medically when you feel sooo horrible, they are right. It's exhausting and scary, I know :( Just breath and do relaxing things that you enjoy, think good thoughts if you can and the feeling will pass just like it always does.

11-12-11, 11:24
Thankyou, it means a lot :) so exhausted with it all I just feel like I can't be bothered to do anything, which isn't good! I am getting there very slowly, just feels like there's no end! :( xx

11-12-11, 19:17
It is awful, I'm a bit of both too - I'm scared of dying and death and I think I'm dying when I panic. Also, a lot of the time I think I'm seriously ill and that I'm going to die from it :( horrible that were all going through this but nice to know that people understand and know how we feel :) xx