View Full Version : This site is wonderful

miss polly
11-12-11, 12:42
I just wanted to say how wonderful the NMP site is. Us users are all a bit troubled, all frightened and all a little crazy :wacko:, but coming on here and seeing we're not alone is so comforting. I drop in at least once every day (more if I'm having 'issues') and I'm able to empathise with fellow sufferers going through all the things that are so familiar to me.
Here, we're able to express openly how we're feeling, where in the real world we keep it hidden and mostly try to pretend we're fine.
Thank you NMP and thank you everybody who comes on to the site because you're all special people. We're anxious and neurotic because we're sensitive people ~ and sensitive people rock!!!

11-12-11, 12:52
Here here :)

11-12-11, 17:53
It is a very nice place to be at times :) I have learnt so much from this site and its good to know I arent the only crazy person out there :)