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11-12-11, 12:51
I haven't written for awhile - though do know I always have the same issue! My concern has always been gynae cancers for the last few years - with CBT and medication I am actually a lot better, in fact I really do almost feel normal but still the remaining niggling thoughts!

Whilst my periods are now 'normal' again I did have some minor spotting for a few months, though this last month nothing. I of course am worried re cervical C - though smear (2 years) ago and all other tests normal. My Dr who is nice but obv getting annoyed basically said she could no longer reassure me and I had to get over it. I actually felt ok re that but at the last minutes she said she would send me for a coloscopy (only test I haven't had!) and then that must be an end to it!

I've waited weeks and it is now due on 19th Dec. I have been so calm actually - though still fear sex in case I bleed. I know I have to take this final leap to really get back to 'normal' but is scary!

This time last year was when my anxiety was at its worse - cried, couldn't get out of bed and ruined xmas for me and family! I am so determined not to do that again so I think I am on tenderhooks now so nothing comes along to ruin my good mood!

As those with HA knows - our bodies are little (swear words!!) at scaring us even when nothing is wrong ..!

I'm trying not to reassurance seek anymore as I know nobody can know what is going to happen - but would still welcome and kind words of wisdom re the test and also anyone who has had one not related to smear issues - I don't fear tests (I have no shames at undressing to be tested after so many!!) - just the results!

Although this may seem negative I would like to say CBT and meds has helped me to so much - my HA hasn't gone, I still have thoughts but I am 90% better than this time last year so anyone who is suffering it really can get better x

13-12-11, 21:48
Hi emmer .. thanks so much for your reply. I will certainly be thinking of you also and I am sure you will be fine. As you say they are about finding cells that could possibly turn cancerous if not dealt with and in reality cervical cancer is actually quite rare - we just hear about it so much!

its hard to be rationale though isn't it! In terms of the results I thought they did a dye test and told you there and then if everything ok unless they have to take a biopsy? Not sure though so would appreciate hearing how it works to prepare myself!

I just keeping thinking I want to know all ok so I can enjoy xmas!

Good luck xxx

14-12-11, 15:28
Hi thanks again for your message. Just wanted to say I really don't know how it works so don't want to get your hopes up. Also with me my smears have been ok, but because I have HA and some spotting my Dr essentially said its the only test I haven't had so she will send me to basically shut me up! As such whether that makes a difference I don't know - I guess a biopsy is possible and precuationary for both of us and that would take time to come back - so better to prepare for that!

Fingers crossed for us both?

Anyone else got any experinces to help us?