View Full Version : Someone help ease my fears

11-12-11, 15:39
Hi all, new to this forum.

Ive always been a worrier, but never enough to experience true anxiety, untill recently.

It started out with a simple cold, then a headache that wouldn't go, I started worrying about what was causing it and basically convinced myself I had a tumour. Went to the docs who said, don't worry its just a tension headache it will go, you probably have too much stress. So off I went not feeling too convinced with what he said. Over the days following this visit I started experiencing a numb face, scalp, aching arms, dizziness, extreme nausea. This time I was definately convinced somethning horrible was happening to me. Anyway he gave me some Diazepam to calm me down for a couple of weeks. So that almost brings us to the present day, I went back to the docs on Friday as I feel no better, face still numb, numb patch on back of head, dull feeling in my ear, muscle aches etc, this is constant too not just off and on, and basically he has now referred me for an MRI. I am out of my mind with worry, anxiety levels are at maximum I just can't calm down and on top of that I have 6 kids to take care of. It just feels so unreal that a simple headache has now led me to an MRI! I am so worried they will find something. Fingers crossed it really is anxiety that is causing all this. I just so much want to feel like human being again. My first consultation appt isn't until 6th Jan and Ive been told they won't do the MRI then it will be on another date aaaarrrrrgggghhhhh, could explode with the stress!!!

Anyway probably not my best 'hello' yet, but hello all and try and make me feel better pleeaaasseee!

11-12-11, 15:51
They all sound like anxiety symptoms to me, the MRI is a good idea though just to put your mind at ease, I'm sure it'll be fine :hugs:

11-12-11, 17:02
:welcome: jade to nmp, aw these symptoms must be awful for youm but they really could be caused by anxiety, it can rear it's head with all kind of symptoms including yours, and we always expect the worst, however your gp is just dotting the i's and crossing the t's probably for your own peace of mind, so try not to worry, and have a great christmas with your family x

11-12-11, 17:56
face numb, numb patch on back of head, dull feeling in my ear, muscle aches etc, this is constant too not just off and on, and basically he has now referred me for an MRI.

I am so worried they will find something.

Been there. had the numb face and numb jaw. Mine actually affected my speech. I went to outpatients and spoke to a foreign doctor that basically said "see your GP". Went to the GP 2 days later still with the symptoms but now with a racing heart and flushes. *hint* (anxiety). After too ing and fro ing got a date for an MRI.

Had the MRI. Result must be read by the right person and you don`t get them straight away. You`ll probably have the same as me. I`m going to go out on a limb here and say what they`ll find in the scan. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Seriously, every single symptom you have are all related to stress and or anxiety. I had myself convinced of tumours and strokes and allsorts.
Originally my doctor had said it was a hemiplegic migraine. Fancy term for harmless `headache` with the odd symptom.

I don`t need to offer you luck for your MRI beacause you won`t need it but good luck :D

Relax. You`ll be fine.