View Full Version : bad earache-using old eardrops-advice ??

11-12-11, 17:04
I realise this is going to be a boring post but does anyway know how long you can keep and use eardrops for after they.ve been openend ??

i ve had earache for a few days now and when I had this in oct, GP gave me antibiotic/steroid drops to use. It says on box to discard after 4 weeks and I ve had them about 7 weeks.
Ive had them in a cool place so they should be alright to use should nt they ???
I asked hubby what he thought as my dam anxiety means Im over reacting and he muttered yeah they ll be o.k-but you know what its like guys !!!!!!!

Any ideas ?:huh:

11-12-11, 17:55
I'm sure nothing bad will happen, but I would reccomend buying some new eardrops.:D

11-12-11, 17:56
I did the same with liquid antibiotics and I was ok :)

11-12-11, 18:00
In a lot of cases out of date medicine goes abroad for others to use .

That says it all.

11-12-11, 20:16
Thanks for replies guys.Ive used the drops today and will go to the pharmacy tomorrow and see if I can buy similar drops over the counter. I dont want to bother the doc ( again ! )