View Full Version : Advice needed

11-12-11, 17:17
Can anyone i have resently got over Anxiety in the past 12 months. Ihad it really bad where as i couldn't go out couldn't sleep couldn't eat. I was perscribed medication which i am still on but has been greatly reduced. My question is does anyone know what Anxiety leaves you feeling like afterwards. The aftermath so to speak. I seem to have bouts of depression mood swings to the highest level. All of which seem to happen around my time of the month..Please anyone if you can advice me or inform me of a book i could read to help me out that would be great. i have read books on dealing with Anxiety but not seen any which deal with the aftermath of Anxiety..... Many thanks

11-12-11, 17:43
Hi mate.

I had a bad period in my 30s where I had anxiety for about a year. I had convinced myself that I had every disease going and coupled to that was a severe lack of confidence and general ill health being run down which in itself felt awful. It was like a vicious circle.
I remember pulling out of this dip for NO apparent reason and began getting on with life again. But bascially since then I can only say I feel I have been left with a mild form of what I can only describe as bipolar disorder. I can have the four seasons in one day.
I can be euphoric and excited and happy then have hours of normality then sit literally depressed and sad for no apparent reason. At that time I`m usually stressing out and suffer heartburn and the usual aches and pains (exaggerated by my own head).

I have learned or more or less accepted that these low periods pass and just get on with things. People round about me just think I`m having mood swings.

Whats in your head?

11-12-11, 19:27
Thanks guys for your reply's. i have overcome the anxiety and can now do most things which it stopped me doing. I just feel like the comment have very low times. I can be very happy and suddenly hit rock bottom for no reason at all. I can't understand it and don't know what to do about it. It is or i am getting to the point it is ripping my family apart. i'm serious mood swings and cause atmosphere, then the day after i'm fine again. I'm beginning to think it's all me and all my fault. My husband was very understanding with my Anxiety but now i think he's loosing patience and doesn't understand the side affects. We have had an other row today and i am debating leaving tomorrow after work and going to my mums. I'm torn i don't understand what is happening to me. I can't work it out. Am i Depressed? Am i anxious? Do i need medication. I have seen my doctor and talked about it because we thought it was my periods cos it seems to happen around that time. I have seen a specialist who has offered me an injection which stops your hormones like pretend menopause to see how i go and if it works they will give me the op. but i'm scared of the side effects this injection gives you plus i'm not even sure now it is the hormones. I'm more inclined to think it's my marriage. what do i do..

18-12-11, 06:29
Hi Bev,i had to write when i read your post,your experiences are so simular to mine. I am 45 and am wondering if im maybe peri-menopausal after doing doing lots of reading about it and chatting to other ladies on here.
I have horrendous mood swings and am tearful/irritable and now the depression is back with a vengenance :weep:
I had a brief period when i felt a tiny bit better but now im back to feeling lousy everyday.
Unfortunatly ive not found an AD that helps much,as the side effects are too extereme for me to cope with.
I wish i could help but i thought id write to say youre not on your own with these horible symptoms.