View Full Version : Brain Tumour worries

11-12-11, 21:00

Last Friday I was biting my jaw alot, the following morning when I woke up I felt very not like dizzy, like feeling like I was off balance, and I also felt like my jaw was aching when I ate. The aching went away away a few hours. Then later than I typed in my symtoms onto a online symptom checker and It came up as a brain tumour. My symtoms are, a headache which is like in the front of my head on top of the skull and it goes down. I seem to have no problems in the day time when i am in work,it allways seems to come on after I come home from work or I think about it. are these symptoms in my head/anxiety or are they real. I am really worried that i might have a brain tumour.

11-12-11, 21:08
Its most probably just the normal daily stress that you are under.
But if you have any worries go to your Dr.
I'm sure if it was a brain tumour you would have other symptoms such as face parylse (can't spell I know)...sometimes the right/left side of the body cannot funtion properly due to this, my sister suffered yrs ago so I know quite alot about them.
Don't get yourself in a tizz if you can try not to....relax, take a paracetomol for whats probably just a headache and DON'T do google...it just makes matters worse.
And then when you are free go to the Drs if you are really worried ok hun.
I've been in your shoes and even had a brain scan...it turned out I had blocked sinus's. There are many causes for your symptoms so please don't fear the worst.
Hope this helps-Emma

11-12-11, 21:29
It's probably anxiety, if you had a brain tumour you'd be having fits/seizures, be vomiting blood and all sorts, don't worry about it, I get headaches on certain parts of my head due to anxiety.