View Full Version : Very anxious

11-12-11, 23:40
I haven't had a panic attack in a few years until this week.
My mum was rushed into hospital and had to have a pacemaker fitted.

Im now so scared and the what if's are buzzing round.

Does anyone here have a pacemaker or know someone whos has?

Positive feed back only please.:ohmy:

12-12-11, 00:10
One of my best friends has had a pace maker since she was little and as far as I know it doesn't affect her day to day living. She has had it replaced a few times because the battery has run out but apart from that, you'd never know she had one. Try not to worry. x

12-12-11, 06:32
I know a Gentleman in his 70's that has one and he is better than he has been in years. More active and feels alot better too.

12-12-11, 07:03
My Nan had a pacemaker and lived to age 84 ,try and breath slowly.I listen to a video on utube that has a calming effect.....'clearing negativity' ,it did help me relax a little.

macc noodle
12-12-11, 07:16
Yorky Lover - sorry you are having such a stressful time at the moment :hugs:

The pacemaker will be a godsend - that is the only way to view it - because it is going to prevent a reoccurence of the problem. Your mum will feel like a new woman and you need not worry about her- she has overcome the worst and survived and the docs. have provided an effective solution with the pacemaker.


Macc Noodle


13-12-11, 17:16
Thank you so much for positive feed back everyone.It really does help.xxxxxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:xxxxxxxxxxx