View Full Version : Shopping, Panic!!!!

12-12-11, 09:37
Hi all

Im just interested to know if im the only person in the world who acts and suffers this way.

Some days im fine, i can go into any shop at anytime.. But most days i have this fear just before i enter. Im not talking supermarkets here, im talking small little convience shops.

I get my items, and once at the till i feel like im gonna lose control, I feel like im shaking, and wont be able to control myself.. I look at the assisant and curse they are taking their time..I once placed the items on the counter, and ran out the shop.. mumbling an excuse like i forgot my money. If at the till, and someone stands behind me that makes it even worse. I once spent nearly 2 hours outside various shops just to get some milk..Planning my move, staking out where the milk is. Its getting beyond a joke now. What is this shaking all about, why do i feel im gonna freak out.

Im so sad about it all the moment.


12-12-11, 09:50
You are not alone....I've been doing that for ages now!!
On friday my counsellor told me to go....on my own....in a shop...and no matter how long it took...to just do it......she ssaid if I run out..thats fine..take a breather and don't go home until you've got what you needed!
So....I went up the shops and for the first time in ages I did some shopping-alone! I ended up in 5 different shops and was soooooo chuft.
But....when I get to the counter I too start to think crazy thoughts and start to lose control if the "idiot" takes ages serving me! Their not really an idiot but thats what I say in my head I get so agitated as I know my fear will take over if they don't hurry.
What I did friday and today as I've just been the shop again woop woop...is I just look around the shop at the deals on the walls...windows etc whilst waiting for my turn...I tell myself I can go at any minute....just try and face your fear...you will teach yourself that you will be fine...Oh and I've told them I forgot my money too....everything you said is me!
So just keep trying until you succeed. Thta way your brain will start to learn you will be fine and will stop scaring you!
I can't beleive I'm even advising you as to be honest up until friday I had'nt even been in a shop for 3 months on my own...in fact I had'nt been anywhere alone as i was too scared.
Hope this helps......set yourself this task..play your own gameshow...and reward yourself with a prize at the end for doing it :) let us know how you get on xxxxx

13-12-11, 12:00
Yes, you are not alone. Some days I am fine too, I go anywhere by myself and I enjoy it...panic attack is not on my mind at all. And some days I already feel anxious before I leave the house and I know I need to go buy a milk or bread. It makes me angry and I hate panic attack controlling my life.

15-12-11, 09:09
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18-12-11, 11:23
Thanks all for the replies.. its helped alot.