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12-12-11, 10:00
I woke up this morning as normal, I felt fine.. Then all of a sudden the room started spinning I got up to try to come up the stairs and it felt like I was falling, I climbed into bed and my arms and legs went weak and I went to the toilet and I still felt like I was falling and I felt very off balance.. I'm absolutely petrified that sonething is gonna happen to me and that iv got something serious... Please can someone help! :( xx

12-12-11, 10:12
First of all there could be two issues here.

The fact that you started to feel dizzy after waking could be due to the way you slept and/or a piched nerve in your neck or due to something going on in your ears making you unbalanced physically. This occasionally happens to me especially after spending most of the night horizontal!

Secondly, the experience of going dizzy possibly started the alarm bells ringing and consequently you started to panic, hence the other symptoms.

Don't forget that dizziness is a classic Anxiety symptom anyway.


12-12-11, 10:16
Thankyou horse, I'm so so petrified, I'm laying in bed and I daren't move..I start to feel really dizzy when I do :( I'm just so scared ! I'm waiting for the doctor to call me back to see what she says.. It's horrible but yeah you are right it could be my anxiety, thank you :) xx

12-12-11, 17:47
Sounds as though you may have a viral infection of the middle ear, it's called labrythitis. Like most viral infections it will run its course. See what your doctor thinks. It's very common and just appears out of the blue.

12-12-11, 17:50
I've had labrynthitis before, well twice actually and it was horrible and that's what I'm scared I've got :( I don't want to have it again :( xx

12-12-11, 17:59
Ive heard of that an infection in the middle ear can cause balance and dizzy problems. I feel unbalanced and a little dizzy after swimming when water is stuck in my ears so I think it may be an ear infection. Dont be afraid of it I would just go to your gp and get some antibiotics.

12-12-11, 18:06
I really hope it's not :( I've got an appointment with the doctor tomorrow, so will see what she says.. xx