View Full Version : Shops

04-06-06, 19:28
I feel has though i'm stuck and not making much progress on my shop issue, i'm fine if the shop is quiet and there's no queue but start getting those panic thoughts in my head if there's a big queue and i hate standing in them but i never run away and stay and face it so i would of thought i should be making progress. Ive come along way during the last year in terms of progress, from being housebound for 6 months to be able to go anywhere where i don't have to queue. I still have days and weeks where my anxiety can get quite bad and i get some of the anxiety symptoms such had the dereality and feeling unsteady but they usually pass once ive been out for 30 mins so don't bother me a great deal and i know setbacks are important for recovery to take place. I know recovery takes time and ive accepted that just need some advice on my queues issue??? thanks

04-06-06, 19:46
hi paul

when in queues i sing to myself, or count to a hundred, or anything to distract.

A grounding techinique is also really useful to use at times like this.
When u are in a relaxed state, concentrate hard on how your body feels, calm, at peace, breathing normal, etc, etc - then when you are in this calm state press your thumb and your first finger together (either hand will do) , really concentrate hard on your fingers and keep like this for a few minutes.

The next time you are in a queue - by pressing your finger and thumb together you will bring about the same calm feelings - give it a try - it was a life saver for me on holiday - no-one knows you are doing it but it focusses your concentration else where.

Give it a try - it costs nothing but it does work


........life is for living not just for surviving

04-06-06, 20:30
hey dark,,

i use that finger thing,, but i say to myself while doing it the best time i had in a nightclub how i felt and that sort of stuff and it makes me feel great,,

hope it can work for you paul,,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

04-06-06, 20:43
Hi Paul, I hate being in queues too, OK if I can get in and out quite quickly. i just start deep breathing, imagine I'm in my safe place. Take a Cd or i-pod with relaxation music or meditation to help too.

Take care

'This too will pass'