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View Full Version : Does waiting make you worse??

12-12-11, 12:52
Hi there

Does anyone else find that there symptons worsen when waiting for results??? Am due to go back to consultant on Thursday for results of recent MRCP scan for this upper right abdominal pain that has been bothering me for the best part of 3 - 4 years now!! Have posted loads previously on this subject and have really welcomed all the support received. This scan plus a possible CT scan (depending on results of MR scan) is the culmination of many other previous tests to try to work out what is causing this pain. However, over the last few weeks whilst in the care of this consultant (3rd referral!!) my acid reflux/indigestion/tummy pain has got worse and worse - is this all due to anxiety?? Am already on 15mg Lanzaprozole morning and night - daren't take any more. Not sleeping at night either as am so worried about results. Help, it's driving me nuts!

12-12-11, 19:18
Maybe you could have Hiatal Hernia? Are you taking anything for acid reflux? Some thing like a PPI (Losec), yeah you do tend to do the nutter the closer it comes to the time of getting results and kind of peaksasecond before you get the results, right?