View Full Version : off balance etc.

12-12-11, 12:53
I don't know what s going on with my body the last few months.I have had m.e for 10yrs and tmj for 2 yrs but i have been doing ok with it. I see an osteopath every 4-6 weeks and wear a mouth splint. I have been posting on here about problems with my stomach/bowels and a pain by my ovary and i started worrying i had something serious going on. I had my bloods done and they were ok. I had a scan and they said i had a cyst on my left ovary and possible endometriosis. I am waiting to see a gynecologist. I don't know whats with that or whats with the m.e or whats with the anxiety. I am having awful head symptoms, i keep feeling off balance,right hand keeps feeling weak,2 end fingers on right hand keep feeling tingly and numb,awful brain fog and headaches,random pains in different parts of my body. I went to church at 11am to see my children in the school nativity and soon as i sat down i went all funny,light headed,felt like i couldn't breath for a few seconds and like i was going to lose consciousness and my end fingers went numb and tingly and i can't think straight. I don't know if i am sub consciously panicking or if its symptoms of the cyst etc. My head always feels heavy and when i am sitting still it feels like i am swaying from left to right like on a boat. I went to the opticians the other week because of my headaches and feeling of pressure on my left side of my head and all was ok.
I feel like going to the gp and asking for my whole body scanned, i am not suprised i baffle them with all my random symptoms :ohmy:

12-12-11, 13:05
Hey there,

I'm exactly the same, I have no idea if my symptoms are ME related or just anxiety! I went for my ultrasound last week and everything was fine, she could find no reason for the pain and suspects that it's bowel related rather than ovary related, even though that's where the pain is!!!

It's quite spooky actually as my symptoms are almost identical to yours! I have had very loose bowels for the past month, occasional tummy pains but one of the most consistent symptoms has been the lightheadedness/dizziness and nausea. I constantly feel like I'm swaying or as you say, on a boat and the feeling like I'm going to throw-up at any minute is awful.

I'm going to see my GP tomorrow to ask for a referral to see a neurologist as I have concerns about the sole of my foot & little toe going numb and also the severe headaches & stiff neck that come every month or so and last for 2-3wks at a time. Since being diagnosed with ME I've never had any tests to rule out other things and as you know I worry about having MS rather than ME. I expect him to refuse the referral but it won't hurt to ask.

Anyway, enough of my babbling, really just wanted to let you know that you most definately are not alone.

K xxx