View Full Version : Burning mouth and dry / tight throat

12-12-11, 20:25
Hi all,

Earlier this year (May) I started coming off my 10mg PPI tablets for reflux, which I'd been on for five years. I had to go back on them until September. Around about July time I started feeling like I had a lump in my throat. But by September it had 'moved up' to the back of my mouth and an irritated feeling of tightness and dryness.

I was able to taper down and come off the tablets during Sept-November with no more reflux symptoms. (I used to wake up with a burning throat and feel reflux during the day).

However from mid-Sept till now my tongue started feeling sore or burnt. It is barely there in the morning but gets progressively worse during the day. I've realised that I'm holding a lot of tension in my mouth and jaw. By the evening it isn't just my tongue but also my lips.

I thought perhaps it was the reflux, but a stint back on the tablets isn't changing anything. I have been quite anxious about my health this year so I'm left wondering if the tongue and throat are anxiety symptoms and not a return of reflux.

The doc has run blood tests and swabs, all normal. She doesn't believe its a return of reflux.

Does any of this sound familiar or make sense please?

12-12-11, 20:35
burning mouth syndrome? common with anxiety but difficult to diagnose x

12-12-11, 21:40
Possibly! I wonder if it causes that tightness towards the back of the mouth/throat? It's difficult to explain - not quite soreness. Although I don't feel anxious anymore - except for the darn burning mouth! :)

12-12-11, 22:04
It does with me and sometimes it is one sided, which i have found more worrying x

13-12-11, 07:12
Thanks Anxious, it always helps to relate to someone else.