View Full Version : coping with these attacks when on your own and moving house

12-12-11, 22:21
Hi everyone,
We are in the process of moving to a bigger house on the other side of town which I was really excited about until we actually sold our house and thibgs started moving forward. It couldn't have happened at a worse time for me cos at the moment I am so scared of driving around even little journeys cos I am petrified of being on my own when I get a panic attack. Ir all started in october when I had a major panic attack on the way to work and then had to turn back home. I only work 7 mins drive away and always used to leave early to avoid the traffic but now I've resorted to getting lifts with a friend. Anyway this new house we will be movong to in jan is 5 mins walk away from work so driving to work won't be an issue, what is becoming really bad for me is that I can't seem to cope with these attacks on my own. At the moment I live 5 mins away from my parents and have done for 6 years since I moved in with my hubbie. He works away a lot and when I have been at home alone the thought of my parents being just around the corner made me feel safe. Now though the thought of my parents being further away, still only about 10 minites is making me want to tell hubbie that we can't go through with the house sale and live in the new house. I had a really bad panic attack at home last week which resulted in my mum having to walk up to my house to be with me and I just keep thinking that when I'm in the new house she won't be able to do that. When I panic at the moment it just brings all my fears to the surface and my main one is being alone when I panic. My hubbie wants me to be less dependant on my parents but it is hard when he works away so much, I have always had the fact that they are so close to fall back on. We haven't even set a date yet for moving but I feel physically ill at the thought of it. Does anyone have any advise or tips on how to cope for me? Have any of you had to deal with moving house? How do you guys deal with panic attacks on your own. Many thanks to anyone who can help me feel better xxx

12-12-11, 23:34
Yes we moved from our small apartment to a bigger house last spring... I had just developed painic
disorder so I was really tough for me too. I should have been happy a d excited but it just made me more scared and stressed out. It all ended up going well, my poor husband did almost all the moving because I was in such a state (luckily he had friends to help him).

I still suffer from panic disorder and agoraphobia and I don't think the move would have made a difference in the end. I still have to cope with anxiety and panic on my own most of the time and there is no easy way to do this. What helps me the most is just trying to control my breathing and tell myself calming thoughts. When it gets really bad I call my parents or a friend for support. Just know that moving house is stressful for anyone, especially those of us who are already anxious.

Please let us know how you get on and reach out for support on here and from your loved ones whenever you need to vent. I wish I had better advice for you but I'm still trig to overcome my disorders as best I can. Wishing you nothing but the best xx

13-12-11, 11:27
I know they are scary things me too.