View Full Version : Question about Piles. Please help!

12-12-11, 23:24
Hi everyone

I am a new member who has a question about piles/hemorrhoids.

I have had piles a couple of times since the birth of my second daughter back in 2007. The "flare ups" normally start when I have to move my bowels urgently (sorry, TMI) and small 'pebble' type movements are pushed through quickly by a larger, softer stool. I feel the familiar pain (at the entrance) and see blood either on the side of the stool or on the paper.

Normally it clears up within 3 - 4 weeks and I don't have any more issues for a year or so.

This time I am worried, as I have been getting the pain/bleeding on and off since early September. I am fairly sure it is piles again, as I can clearly see a few of them when I am straining, and I can also feel a couple of tender lumps just inside. I even asked my poor husband to take a look :blush: and he confirmed that he could definitely see them (he gets them too).

Whenever I use Anusol cream (or suppositories) the problem goes away immediately and stays that way for 3 - 4 weeks after I finish using it. However after that time the twinge of pain and slight bleeding (bright red) seems to come back, every few days. When I start to use the cream again, the problem goes away again.

Can an episode of piles come and go like this? Is it a good sign that the cream works, at least for a while?

Even though, rationally, I can see that there is evidence of piles, the irrational side of me is scared that it is cancer.

I know that you can't diagnose me, but any help/stories would be appreciated.

Kind Regards,

12-12-11, 23:30
If they are troublesome go to your doctor and they can inject them and/or tie them off and that should help things.

12-12-11, 23:35
Thanks for your reply Nicola.

Is it unusual for piles to act like this? I am scared that even though I have piles that something more sinister is going on. I am 38 years old by the way.


13-12-11, 03:20
Hello, I just wanted to relate my experience.

I've been seeing some blood on my stool or toilet paper, on and off for a year. Each time, the blood will be visible for two days or so. Then I will be symptom free for weeks until the piles flare up again. I don't feel any pain nor discomfort, typical for internal piles. I also noticed that my piles usually flare up after eating spicy stuff or nuts. For some reason, nuts are harder to digest and the undigested chunks may irritate the piles.

I finally gave in to my HA and went for a colonoscopy to get peace of mind. The doc gave the all-clear, and did a ligation (tie up) on my piles. I don't have any problems since.

paula lynne
13-12-11, 10:24
Hi there, I would agree with previous posts. Since you seem to be getting regular flare ups and its causing you distress, you should ask your doctor about ligation. I have one that makes an appearance about twice a year, it doesnt help ones self-image let alone the problems with pain. Eat plenty of veg and fruit in the meantime, and only use Ph neutral shower gels etc. Best wishes, Paula x

13-12-11, 12:38
Exactly the same symptoms as mine Dani.

Anusol always worked for a while but they always came back.

I changed my diet and stopped eating white bread - now theyre a very, very rare occurrence.

If youre worried - do go to your GP....... there's no other way forward.


13-12-11, 22:19
Thank you so much for your replies.

It's nice to know that others have the same experience, and very reassuring.

Hopefully I can help other people on this forum the way that you have helped me.

Dani :)