View Full Version : Acid Reflux

12-12-11, 23:34
Oh my life! After I finally get over the worst part of my anxiety my body decides to handle its stresses I'm a different way. I had been tensing inside for ages, as if I was pulling my diaphragm in and up, a nervous habit I guess. Now I have regular horrendous acid.

Tried the usual stuff, now in omeprazole 20mg. I only seem to get the build ups in work, weekends aren't too bad. Anyone got any suggestions of how to stop this acid?!

In bed now, feels like someone is dripping acid up the centre of my chest. It makes me worry and think it could be some underlying problem.

Need to stop this before it gets out of hand ;(

13-12-11, 00:27
Hi Anxious

Yup i get this too.

I was told to stop drinking tea, coffee, fizzy drinks. Don't eat fried or fatty foods. Doesn't leave much does it? lol

Great tip i did get was putting books under each side of the top of your bed as being raised slightly stops the acid from travelling upwards. Don't try adding an extra pillow because that doesn't work.

With the meds and a change of diet for a bit, it will settle don't so try not to worry.

Take care


15-12-11, 06:51
When you get bad acid, drink a small amount of milk. Milk is a natural antacid and longterm more effective than over the counter antacids. Despite common belief, acid indigestion is usually caused by a lack of acid, so your body produces surges in acid to compensate. The same happens if you use stuff like gaviscon etc. Milk however will treat you for low acid and resolve the problem faster. This info is based on my nutrition diploma. Hope this helps.