View Full Version : Newbie introducing herself

04-06-06, 21:06
Hi there - My name is Lucy (24 years old) and I have been suffering and I mean suffering with anxiety attacks since I can remember. I can't recall a time in my life to date that I haven't had them. Not only do I have panic attacks I also have social phobia in the way I hate going to social events, eating in restaurants etc, all the things which I would love to do but are too scared to do them often as its such a struggle. I also have a fear of vomiting which if i'm truthful is the worst of all my issues. I'm currently having CBT therapy which is going ok. I just wish there was a magic pill out there that I could take that would sort me out for good.

As a newbie I hope all the above made sense and I hope to hear from all of you soon - Thank you for reading x:D

04-06-06, 21:46
Hello I am also new here lol I wish there was a pill as well

I have not been able to eat infront of people ever, anxiety attacks is also something I get, I suffer from OCD I was told all my eating problems etc etc is because I have OCD, but lol if you read my hello thread you will see me saying I can cope with the OCD as I allways have its my other problems I cant

I hope we get some tips from here, and I hope you also get better soon :)

04-06-06, 21:57
Hi Lucy

Welcome to the forum.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

social anxiety
FEAR OF MESSAGES (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6303)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

I hopw the CBT is helpful for you. I too have social phobia and have found hypnotherapy to be very beneficial.

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

04-06-06, 22:04
Hi Juicy,

A warm welcome to the forum.

You are right, there is no magic pill, but CBT is the nearest we have to it, so I really hope that works out for you. It's worth working hard on it.

Take Care,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

04-06-06, 22:28
I'm also new! I got a ton of info and support on a forum about a health problem I have. I have severe uncontrolled epilepsy that jumped on me one day and never let go but you know what? I have stayed on that forum for 8 years and I can say this is never easy but I handle it better emotionally, have a fuller life, don't have the many phobias others do who sz because I did get informed and I had support, this is important, from people like me, who understand, have experienced what I have which makes what they say more viable to me than anyone else. I've been diagnosed with severe PTSD, had many modalities of treatment for 3 years, have gained a lot of phobias, mood disorders that create harmful thoughts, dangerous behaviors, voids of emotion sometimes, panic attacks I've had since I was in my early teens infrequentely are now common. IOW I am getting worse but I've been resistant to treatment. I was determined I didn't have PTSD and if I did? I was going to cure it all by myself. It hasn't worked obviously. So, here I am.

In just maybe the week I've been here I'm very surprised that I'm not the freak I thought I'd become. The things I fear and feel many others do too plus they know more about good and bad treatments. Things I've refused to know about. I'm also surprised how knowledgable people are here and how anxious it seems to me people are to extend to me support and supportive information. I'm learning so much about myself, roots of my problems so quickly at times it's a little overwhelming but it's also very relieving. You're more aware of your problems than I was/am. I hid from mine, protected them so you're to me already on a good path. I have thought this one thing, I've seen quite a few newbies introduce themselves but then I don't see them post again. I've probably overly posted but if you don't keep posting, asking, no one can help you. No one yet has said to me, you're posting too much.

One of my daughters BTW has OCD. Two classifications. One of them is called an awful name, they should change it, but self mutilating. She has the compulsion to keep her eyelash's, eyebrows, and all her nails plucked out. Her other classification is called something, can't remember, but she feels a need to shower constantly. Her father and my mother also had/have it. I don't and I doubt I can ever understand, nor really do I try, to know how she feels. Medications work only a little for her. I can't and I don't need to know how she feels tho. Just love her as she is and that's very easy[8D]. She's extremely lovable. It always gets me tho when people have said to her - just quit it. OCD for her started in grade school, she's now 26. We laugh now over some of the uninformed remarks she's gotten. Another one was from a teacher who told me she had no self discipline, OCD was not her problem. Funny I didn't think teachers had diagnostic abilities like neurologists.

Well, panic attacks are miserable. I feel for you I hate my own. There is a thread someone started about their throat closing up due to either social anxiety, panic attacks, I can't remember the cause but I've had that in the past for months on end until I'm a near skeleton. For me it was impossible to swallow during that several year poeriod of time in front of people. I get little threats it's starting again at times but so far, knock on wood, it hasn't come back. I have NEW dysfunctions now -yippee! You might look for that thread because it had some useful advice for me I think under PTSD or Symptoms.


05-06-06, 07:12
Welcome to the forum Lucy
Love Helen

05-06-06, 09:15
Hi Lucy,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

05-06-06, 10:01
Hi Lucy and welcome. there's lots of support here and you'll find that you are not alone.

Take care

'This too will pass'

05-06-06, 13:33
Hello there and welcome

Shiv x

05-06-06, 14:13
Hi Lucy

Welcome to the forum

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

05-06-06, 14:49

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support here.

x x

05-06-06, 20:17
Hi Juicy

Welcome to the forum. It's a really friendly place and I hope you find that it helps you to share what you're going through.
