View Full Version : Hello, is there anything you can do with me

04-06-06, 21:42
I don’t really no where to start, I have read parts of this site for a while now and just after me trying something I come to the idea of registering to see if some one can point me in the correct place as I am now starting to feel like I am at my last straw in sorting this problem.

I am 23 this month, I really only found out about 3 months ago that I suffer from OCD and I never really new that I did this, but the OCD isn’t my problem as I can live with that as I always have (that I can remember)

The big problem I have is this:

4+ months ago I had a car crash, (cars was a hobby of mine) I was rammed by a lorry on purpose twice and pushed down the road, at the time I was more cheesed off about my car and was ok within my self, I drove a courtesy car why my car was getting fixed and I was doing ok, but things started to go down hill after a while and I started feeling ill doing stuff, until after about 2 weeks prier the crash I woke up and that was it, by compulsive thoughts that I get went really bad and I cant go out (I am not agoraphobic) I spend 100% of the day feeling ill and I get thought now 100% worse than I did anyway.

As with my OCD I get these thought but can control them if they are not bad the only time I haven’t been able to control them is when I was little and I told my mum my whole life story and this tuck me two years to do.

Things I do, well if you check out all the symptoms of OCD that would be easier than me listing them.

My problem is I want to be able to go back to how I was and go out, my girl friend must be getting fed up with me as I can’t take her or my 14 month old son anywhere, she says its ok but I know it can’t be, and I am missing out on lots of things with my son. Crimbo was a night mare as it was my sons fist, and I spent the whole day in bed after getting up with them all in the morning and then being repeatedly sick because of my problem, I have really never liked crimbo as I always feel ill but the last was the worse one ever, the same also happened on his birthday, it’s the thoughts that I get in my head. I get many thoughts and I get that many I don’t even know what half of them are.

It is that bad now I wake up in the night feeling ill as I dream of it, I am seeing some people over this matter but by the sounds of it they will not be able to help me fast.

Sorry for any spelling mistakes I am also dyslexic and I used word to type this but its poo.

05-06-06, 09:21

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

05-06-06, 09:37
Welcome Madkad - great talking to you last night in the chat room. There's lots of help and support on her. A big smiley welcome to you

Take care

'This too will pass'

05-06-06, 13:08
Thank you trace and daisy :)


That was allot of help, with getting your daughter to talk to me, I suppose the best thing for me is to start from the start.

When I was younger I got lots of these problems with worry over things and eating, my mum tuck me to see my GP and they didn’t really understand so I had to really cope with it all on my own and with my mum and dad.

I started to confess my life to my mum but only my mum, I told her everything that I had done in my life up to that point, and anything that I thought was wrong or could have harmed some one in any way. It tuck me 2 years to confess everything and when I had told my life I then started on worries that I might do or get.

<<<Please note I do not mean to offend any one in this>>>

Some of my worries where, if I had aids, being gay, harming others, growing up to be a rapist or a peaderfile they are just some of my problems along with 1000+ others that I think about every day, I then started to learn how to control these thoughts, but I suppose it has gone wrong now I don’t confess in any way because if I do I will not stop and I know this.

So as time has passed on I just did my every day thing, I do my rituals every day and have leant to live with it, when I was in school I didn’t swear as it would eat at me if I did.

Now things I do are

Wash a lot
Check all pots, cups, classes, knives and forks etc etc to see if there clean
I check does and windows are locked
Plugs are all off and unplugged
Remote controls in the correct place

Well I could go on and on but these things don’t bother me in anyway I have leant to deal with them by just doing it and that’s fine, I don’t like the thoughts I get as there not nice in anyway, but the same again I can live with them, ok some days I might brake down and cant but that really inst my problem.

I say all that isn’t my problem but then again it could be, you see I ague with my self to the stage that I could beat my self up sometimes. To be honest I would say I am getting weirs in lots of ways and I haven’t told people, they no that I am ill but they don’t know how ill, I am seeing some one over it but I really don’t think they could ever help me in anyway.

My thoughts are getting a lot weirs in different ways, I cant look after my 14 month old some as I am scared I could harm him. I would say I started to go weirs when he was born then when I had my crash 4+ months ago that is it I started really getting bad and now I don’t go out.

If I go out my son will come with us I could put him in danger, that’s what I think the problem is but it might not be. I miss going out and I miss doing things I love most, I feel I am making my sons life and my girl friends life crap.

To top all of this off my girl friend has been passing out over the last so many months and its getting weirs she is now fitting and does this about 5+ times a day, she is having tests and they think its epilepsy that has come on from having our son, you see now I worry more I cant let her hold knifes our do some stuff with our son as I am scared I will loose one or the other or even both.

Since seeing this person about my problems she has made me realize the amount of stuff that I do that I didn’t realize I did as I have done if for so long, all I want is to be able to go out like I did a wile ago I will go more mad if I cant much longer, I would do anything to be able to do it even if it meant my OCD when even weirs.

By the way I still live at my mum and dads with my girl friend and my son, my girl friend wants us to get a place but I keep fobbing her off, the reason I am doing this is because I couldn’t have my own house as I wouldn’t cope I control a lot of my OCD because I live here, I think about other people and try and save them cash so it stops me doing my obsessive things, if I went into our own house I would drive my girl friend mad and she would me as she can make quite a mess.

LOL writing this has made me ill, I am sorry it jumped back and fourth I just written it like I thin

05-06-06, 13:32
Hello there and welcome to the forum.

Unfortuantely it does take some time and effort to get over these problems, but keep talking: you'll get there mate.

Shiv x

05-06-06, 14:15

Welcome to the forum.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

05-06-06, 14:33
Hi Mad'

Thanks for the chat last night. Hope you enjoyed yourself and come back soon

Mandy x

05-06-06, 14:41
Hi Madkad.

Welcome to the forum. You will find lots of help and support on here. I spoke to you on chat earlier. Hope you are doing ok. You will get through this hunni, it just takes time. Do you see a councellor or anyone? Or do you have CBT (Cognitive Behavioural therapy) at all? Because that may help you and give you some extra support. Hang on in there mate.

x x

05-06-06, 15:59
Yes I see sone one I have dlet with it for my life so its not to bad but I get times that it goes out of control.

Two heads
05-06-06, 19:08
hi there
welcome you will have loads of surport here and a good laugh on the chat!Hopefully meet people that really understand you xxx

05-06-06, 19:38
Thanks Bong I hope so :)

05-06-06, 19:58
Just wanted to welcome you aboard and hope you get some support here.


05-06-06, 20:34
Hello Nicola I take it you are the owner of the site, i been coming for a while but never registerd my dad gave me the news paper with your article in, well done by the way.

I hope all is well with you now you lucky thing :D