View Full Version : Not anx related..Jaw!!!

13-12-11, 11:00
Hi folks

I don't know if any of you suffer with this too but every now and again, my jaw clicks out of place when i'm asleep. (I must sleep catching giant flies)...Anyhoo, i mentioned this to my doc years ago and he says it's really common and clicks back in by it's own accord, which mine usually does too.

Mine clicked out of place on Saturday morning, it went back in slightly for ten minutes on Sunday then i popped it back out. Don't get me wrong, i'm not like the Elephant woman with a dislodged jaw. lol....I can still open my mouth, eat ect although not as i uaually would.

Has anyone else experienced this for as long as a few days and did it go back in itself coz i sure as ekk ain't going to the doc to have it done. :ohmy: Lol

Thanks in advance for any replies. Would be much appreciated.


13-12-11, 14:11
Hi there!

I had this start to happen when I was in high school. I would wake up and I couldn't open my mouth as wide as normal. It was only the left side. After a little while, it would go back into place. Didn't really hurt, just a very uncomfortable feeling. It didn't last longer than a few hours though.

Then one time when it happened, I went to open my jaw and it popped. Like literally made a popping noise only on the left side. Since then (12 years later) it does it every time I open my mouth. It doesn't hurt, it will get sore when I have it open for a long time like at the dentist, but they said it wasn't anything to worry about. They didn't really give me a reason. It hasn't gotten stuck since then though.


13-12-11, 16:41
Hi Jessica

That's the exact same as mine. Only on the left hand side and happens every now and again but this time it's refusing to budge. :lac: It doesn't hurt at all either unless i try to over stretch my mouth.

Thanks for the reply hun. Much appreciated


13-12-11, 21:24
My daughter had this quite often, and on one occasion it was over a week she couldn't open her mouth much at all, eating was a problem, it eventually corrected itself.

I'd give it a few more days and if no better then pop to docs, chances are they will prob tell you it will sort itself out, my daughter got really worried about it and she doesn't suffer like us.

Have you been trying to eat stuffed crust pizza in your sleep BB?

13-12-11, 21:27
:roflmao: NO i most certainly do not bootsie. Lmao

Thanks mate. I was planning on giving it to Friday and then maybe going to docs to see about it. I don't relish the fact but needs must if i ever want to have another stuffed one again.

Cheers Bootsie :hugs:


13-12-11, 21:55
i heard someone had this too, unfortunately i cant comment much on it but its good to know ur not alone :) or in any danger x

13-12-11, 22:00
Now a cruel person might say, that's cause you talk far too much. Obviously I wouldn't say that ;) x

I am sure it's nothing to worry about lass :)

13-12-11, 22:05
My sister used to get this and it was to do with her wisdom teeth. On one occasion she asked her boyfriend to hit it back in, but he said no. A few minutes later when she wasn't expecting it, he hit her and it went back in!!!

So basically, you need someone to hit you... (I think I should be a doctor with advice like that!) :)

13-12-11, 22:08
As someone with HA you know I never suggest what something "might be" but have you been checked for TMJ?
It's more common than you think and does seem to happen more in people who experience anxiety.
Just a thought

13-12-11, 22:18
BB if you need a short wee slap around the chops just holler :roflmao:

13-12-11, 22:19
Sandy :hugs:

Rest of you :hugs::hugs::hugs: You utter swines!!

Jaco..for some reason and i don't know why...you are the second person to say that to me today. :shrug: lol



13-12-11, 22:21
My sister used to get this and it was to do with her wisdom teeth. On one occasion she asked her boyfriend to hit it back in, but he said no. A few minutes later when she wasn't expecting it, he hit her and it went back in!!!

So basically, you need someone to hit you... (I think I should be a doctor with advice like that!) :)

Absolutely hilarious!! I would actually pay someone to wallop me at the moment.

Fair made me laugh


13-12-11, 22:22

Serious thought here.........

What if i can never sing to you's again? TRAGEDY!!!!

13-12-11, 22:24
U t t e r b l i s s......................

13-12-11, 22:27
BOGGOFF...I shall have MM chop you forthwith!! :lac:

13-12-11, 22:28

13-12-11, 22:28
Where's the friggin like button on here ?

13-12-11, 22:38
Jaco, i'm still looking for it

13-12-11, 22:50
BB - Shut your eyes, count to 10 and I'll get my baseball bat out to sort it pronto :D

Tragedy indeed :lac:

13-12-11, 22:54
Where's the friggin like button on here ?

Lmao We really need one of those on here. :yesyes:

13-12-11, 22:55
BB - Shut your eyes, count to 10 and I'll get my baseball bat out to sort it pronto :D

Tragedy indeed :lac:


Ok but do i get a stuffed crust after i can move me gob again please poppet? xx

13-12-11, 22:56
Jaco, i'm still looking for it

Just you wheest and liquidize me supper!! Um please and thank you. :yesyes:


william wallace
15-12-11, 20:29
If you ladies have finished beating each other about the head with baseball bats etc, I would like to add my tuppence worth. I've had a clicky jaw since I was a wee lad. Apparently I used to grind my teeth in my sleep, and it developed from there. The problem is caused by a wee bit of calcified cartilidge fouling the joint.

A few years back, just a few days before Christmas my jaw locked shut. By Christmas Eve I was quite stressed at the thought of having soup, or pressed kippers and toast for Christmas dinner. Mrs Wallace suggested I massage the joint, and as she's a nurse was able to show me exactly where to do this. Just in front of the earlobe you will find a wee hollow. Have a good press of the whole area while gently trying to open your mouth, you might get lucky. Best of luck:)

16-12-11, 11:22

Thank you Mr Wallace....

I decided to leave it for now to see what happens as it only really bothers me when i try to open my mouth wider than it can go. :doh:

I'll try the massage thing though. I have had this for years the same as you and i agree with cartilage thing because i'm thinking here (tell me if i am being daft) but if my jaw was locked then i wouldn't be able to move it at all??....So i'm thinking possibly a bit of cartilage has moved preventing me opening my gob mega wide?

Probably talking poop then but that's my theory and it makes me worry less about it. :roflmao:

Thank's for your advice :hugs:
