View Full Version : PanicMiracle dot com anyone tried it?

13-12-11, 16:24

Has anyone tried this? If so what did you think? I'm struggling to find any independent reviews on it.

If it is positive then I might buy it.

Thanks in advance.


13-12-11, 17:47
Looks complete BS, anything promising to give you all the special 'secrets' generally is, plus the website layout is a generic one used to sell ebooks

13-12-11, 18:45
Thres no such thing as a miracle cure ..You would be better off buying Dr Claire weekes books AND have some CBT To be honest .:D..T/c SUE X

13-12-11, 19:32
I have already had many sessions of CBT, and have improved massively from earlier this year.

I'm not finished with CBT either, in fact I have an appointment tomorrow so will talk about this.

My anxiety now has become more prominent with regards to my health. I went to the doctors today because I have had a very uncomfortable ache/pain in my left shoulder and arm for over a month, and of course my health anxiety kicks in and I think I have a problem with my heart, but after seeing doc today she could easily see my muscle in my left shoulder was rock hard, and I need to take anti-inflamotorys and possibly physio to cure. Which in a funny way (that you guys will understand) makes me happy haha! I'm fine with this.

However, I don't know if it is depression sinking in, to accompany my anxiety or what, but I often feel sad, ya know the sad feeling you get when you lose someone close kinda sad? It used to be a nervous feeling and my therapist told me that this was the anxiety being quashed and I need to allow myself to panic, but now I put it down to more of a sad feeling. Does anyone else get this?

Even on this thread, after the reply saying it is more than likely BS, the feeling came back instantly.

I think I should start a new thread regarding this though.

13-12-11, 20:06
We dont generally allow threads promoting paid for 'cures' particularly ones where there is no evidence to back up their claims. There are good courses out there CBT4PANIC is one, and also good books like Claire Weekes and some others if you are looking for something.

If there was a miracle secret cure for anxiety, we would know about it on this site, and be pushing it like mad !

13-12-11, 20:13
We dont generally allow threads promoting paid for 'cures' particularly ones where there is no evidence to back up their claims. There are good courses out there CBT4PANIC is one, and also good books like Claire Weekes and some others if you are looking for something.

If there was a miracle secret cure for anxiety, we would know about it on this site, and be pushing it like mad !

Well thats just it, I am yet to find a review that actually critisizes it, therefore makes me very dubious. And like you said everyone would be using it.

Feel free to delete this thread I just wanted to know if anyone had used it.

I'll keep searching...

14-12-11, 20:04
When they say if you dont order now the price will double then double again it looks like a scam. They would of just copied other information out there and be using it as their own. 8 years of research, more like 1 day of copy and pasting. There are alot of people out there preying on peoples illnesses. Nothing is sacred.

15-12-11, 18:24
I did buy such a miracle cure-I wouldn't waste my money again.If there was such a thing those of us on this site that had paid for it and were now free of anxiety would be passing it on for free !!!

15-12-11, 18:55
I would also recommend Claire Weekes. If you're new to her books and mp3s, their effect on you can be extraordinary. It's helped me more than nearly anything.

15-12-11, 21:27
Hi everyone

People consider these programmes for various reasons - the promise of a quick and easy cure and the fact that they might find help without having to pay for expensive therapy sessions.

CBT4PANIC is a professional CBT programme that is unbelievably cost effective and you even get to try it free for 30 days - but I know that many people are wary of CBT4PANIC because of the bad reputation of many of these online products - it's very frustrating.

I hope that anyone who may be considering an online anxiety programme will at least read the thread here on nomorepanic about CBT4PANIC - the members of this site have tried it and are getting great results - if it wasn't genuine it would simply be getting slated by the members of this site who have tried it.

Can I also add that I am one of Claire Weekes biggest fans and I honestly believe that if she were around today she would be an advocate of CBT - in fact her methods were basically CBT anyway - but I know she would have appreciated how CBT has expanded on her own ideas. Claire Weekes helped me a lot but CBT helped me recover from Panic Disorder completely.

Please please please don't be put off CBT4PANIC because of other online anxiety products.

Robin :)

16-12-11, 17:34
Robin I am afraid that some people think that you can live on fresh air, these programmes cost money to develop and I am sure that you are not making any huge profits.
Most anxiety programmes have huge relevance for most anxiety sufferers but it's the sufferer who has to follow the programme and just believe that their emotions are conning them not the other way around. This is what is stopping the full recovery DISBELIEF

16-12-11, 18:12
Hi Ronski
How right you are - three years tough training as a Cognitive Therapist (at tremendous cost) Several years dealing with patients - and several years developing the programme.

It's a labour of love - because I had panic disorder myself.

and I'm afraid what adds to people's disbelief is anxiety products that don't live up to their hype - then it's a case of 'once bitten twice shy' - and unfortunately the genuine programmes like CBT4PANIC get stuck with the same label.

The worst part is that people then lose out on getting the help they need

It's very frustrating

16-12-11, 23:10
Dr Claire Weekes Audio book available through ITunes..... Help for your nerves!

It's brilliant.... Can't recommend it enough!

Veronica H
20-12-11, 14:26
:)It's a labour of love - because I had panic disorder myself.

and I'm afraid what adds to people's disbelief is anxiety products that don't live up to their hype - then it's a case of 'once bitten twice shy' - and unfortunately the genuine programmes like CBT4PANIC get stuck with the same label......know this is a bit cheeky Robin, but is your labour of love as expensive as Charles Lindens? Dr Weekes book cost me less than a £10 to understand what was wrong with me and to put me on the road to recovery. Vx

---------- Post added at 14:26 ---------- Previous post was at 14:20 ----------

There are good courses out there CBT4PANIC is one.....Have you completed this course Mike? no offence to Robin but would like to see some independent evidence. thanks Vx

20-12-11, 14:52
Hi Veronica
No offense taken :-) I understand everyone being cautious

Can I just remind everyone here that I am a professional Cognitive Therapist - CBT4PANIC is not a 'product' - it is a complete treatment plan for Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. There are 8 books, 56 videos totally 7 hours which explain each concept in a very indepth way - and on TOP of that you get professional support.

many of you will know what it costs for even one session of CBT face to face. It can cost anything up to £100 per hour

CBT4PANIC is first of all FREE for 30 days - this is even with my support - and then if you wish to continue all you have to pay is £58 which can even be spread over several months.

I hope you can appreciate that this is my job and I need to earn a living like everyone else.

With regards independent evidence if you have a look on nmp you will see dozens of members here who have had great success with the programme.

Can I add that I too am a big fan of Dr Weekes - a truly remarkable woman - but whilst she is brilliant - CBT has added so much since those days and recovery can be achieved much more quickly - I have had patients free of panic disorder in as little as 3 sessions. I began with Claire Weekes and she helped a lot - but I didn't totally recover until I used CBT.

We all have differing degrees of anxiety as well so some things work for some and not for others.

I hope this helps clarify the programme for you a bit. I appreciate your honesty is asking about it.

Robin :)

Veronica H
20-12-11, 17:00
Can I add that I too am a big fan of Dr Weekes - a truly remarkable woman - but whilst she is brilliant - CBT has added so much since those days and recovery can be achieved much more quickly - I have had patients free of panic disorder in as little as 3 sessions. I began with Claire Weekes and she helped a lot - but I didn't totally recover until I used CBT......thank you for your reply Robin. Sounds reasonable in terms of cost. Dr weekes has taken me from a complete breakdown 3 years ago with accompanying agoraphobia, panic attacks, globus, exhaustion and depression to being about 90% recovered. I am now working, but have good and bad days like everyone else, so I take your point about total recovery, as I am not there yet. I think I might sign up to your free 30 day trial, then report back.:bighug1:XV

20-12-11, 17:38
Hi Veronica

That would be great - I'd love to hear what you make of it and please feel free to send me any suggestions so that I can keep improving it. There are so many subtleties with panic it's hard to cover everything.


Veronica H
20-12-11, 18:47
:)thanks Robin, will do. XV

Veronica H
05-02-12, 09:39
:yesyes:I have recently purchased the CBT4PANIC programme and would like to recommend it to anyone who has panic/anxiety. As a fellow 'sufferer' in the past (sorry for the use of such a negative word Robin....see I am trying to change the way I think) Robin not only 'gets it' but has applied his professional skills and personal experience to create a really user friendly way back to recovery.
I spent a good 45 minutes in the dentist's chair this week, which gave me enough time to practice challenging my thoughts and feelings as they came to the surface using Robin's methods. I was amazed at how quickly I was able to apply the advice and how effective this was.
I have tried other CBT programmes in the past, but have found them time consuming and too demanding, given that my concentration is not what it was due to 'anxious contemplation' (as a result my attempts to change the way I think have been a bit hit and miss). Robin of course knows this and so all advice is given in a concise way. A handy pocket booklet is given in addition to all of the materials which acts as a quick reminder and is especially useful.
Thanks to Robin and Caroline(fellow co-author and therapist) hugs everyone. This can and will get better.:bighug1:xV

---------- Post added at 09:39 ---------- Previous post was at 09:34 ----------

:)Forgot to add that this programme is very reasonably priced when compared to others around , plus payment can be made in installments. NMP receives a donation from the programme if you order from the page that Nicola has set up.



05-02-12, 10:49
Call me sceptical but I wouldn't trust anything called 'panic miracle'.

08-02-12, 16:04
Anything that uses fear to try and sell an anti-fear product needs to be avoided.

There are plenty of brilliant free resources out there.

08-02-12, 17:20
Hi Ronski
How right you are - three years tough training as a Cognitive Therapist (at tremendous cost) Several years dealing with patients - and several years developing the programme.

It's a labour of love - because I had panic disorder myself.

and I'm afraid what adds to people's disbelief is anxiety products that don't live up to their hype - then it's a case of 'once bitten twice shy' - and unfortunately the genuine programmes like CBT4PANIC get stuck with the same label.

The worst part is that people then lose out on getting the help they need

It's very frustrating

I am waiting for CBT on the NHS but if I thought you could help me with my big panic phobia call it what you like about having my blood pressure taken this has given me a breakdown believe it or not. And this fear has gone on for over a year. all started from my marriage break up and losing my job due to anxiety. I am now crippled with anxiety over BP and going to have it done. I just dont know how to control my panic I dont even have to go for another year but I stil panic. As I said if your CBT4PANIC could help me I would defo buy it.

A desperate Cathy xx:ohmy:

08-02-12, 20:58
Hi Cathy
Can you PM me with more details? Not clear how much anxiety you have in other areas - is it mainly over having your BP measured.

With a particular phobia like that the best solution is VERY VERY gradual planned exposure. I always liken it to having a fear of swimming. If we just tried to deal with the fear everytime we were forced to jump into deep water we would just increase the fear every time. But if we took it ultra gradually - one day just paddling - then next day in up to our knees - then our waist - then sitting down - then using a rubber ring and so on and so on - you could imagine that eventually our fear would lessen over time

It is the same with phobias - so for instance you would work out various ways in which you can replicate some of the feared situations regarding the BP test so that you can start to get used to the idea. For instance you could get your own BP arm machine and just get used to putting it around your arm for a week or two - then you could inflate it slightly - no need to actually measure anything - just take the total unknown out of the way. Then you could work out a gradual exposure to the doctors - go to the surgery many times without even seeing the doctor - then you could make a plan with your doctor that he could see you and just put the machine around your arm without taking a reading a few times - and so on and so on

The idea is to just continuously do a bit more each time - as much as you can handle - until eventually you actually even get BORED with the whole thing

I hope this makes sense - it would need to be carefully planned so I'm just giving you examples of what you might do.

Apart from that you would want to learn more about anxiety and anxiety cycles and ways to deal with anxiety successfully and CBT4PANIC can certainly help with that. The programme explains a lot more about graduated exposure techniques as well.

I hope this gives you some ideas anyway.

08-02-12, 21:12
Thank you I do think I have been sensitized and i think I have what claire weeks called free floating anxiety. as i have never had a fear of it before. just when I was going through a lot of issues. I did have a bp machine but gave it a way but i dont think I did the slow exposure I think i did it too qick I am waiting for CBT on nHs so I will see how I get on with that. And it is surprising how many people have Bp problelms I do feel i just need to calm my nerves down and slowly do what you have said.

Thanks for your reply Robin xx

08-02-12, 21:38
Hi Cathy
Yes - this really does work wonders but it is SO important to do it in a very planned and extremely gradual way. Just remember that - at least in your case - there is no hurry - you have time - so just do the tiniest amount that you feel you can do regularly - just try to do the same or slightly more each time. Even if it means just wrapping the machine around your arm loosely for a week - that is fine - see that as a useful exercise - I'm sure you can imagine that after a week just wrapping it won't be as frightening - so then you move on to the next level - very very gradually. It works because logically it makes sense.

You will also heard this called Gradual desensitisation.

and yes - many people have this problem - it is very understandable because we fear the result but then we fear that our fear will cause an incorrect (bad) result - so we try not to be afraid which increases our anxiety which makes us worry even MORE!!

It's not your fault - it's an easy cycle to get caught up in - that's why they gave it a name it's so common.

I hope your CBT will help you get past this difficulty
best of luck

08-02-12, 22:17
One more thing Robin did you have simiar and did you over come it and was it a painful process I am not say you had Bp fear but what your fear was do you still have to practise your cbt for yourself?

Cathy xx

08-02-12, 22:53
Hi Cathy
I had severe panic disorder with agoraphobia lasted for about 5 years - couldn't leave my house / room for about 3 of those years. I had every symptom in the book and used to have full blown panic - even in the house - many times a day. I had a lot of health anxiety / depression as well.

I first discovered Claire Weekes (wonderful human being) and eventually recovered fully through CBT. I can honestly say I know I can't suffer from panic disorder again - I can get anxious like anyone else but I can never 'panic' about the symptoms again no matter how severe they might be. Since I recovered I have had a couple of experiences of extreme anxiety symptoms (which previously would have sent me into a spiral of panic) but I instantly knew how to deal with them and they passed very quickly.

Once you really understand panic and learn skills to deal with the sensations and then finally practice with your understanding and skills through very graduated exposure exercises you really CAN fully recover - you eventually reach that 'ah ha!' point where you just KNOW that you are free of panic forever.

Take heart - you CAN do it. :)

08-02-12, 23:02
Great read Robin Thank you

Cathy xx