View Full Version : Chest Pain "Trip to A&E"

13-12-11, 16:41
Well yesterday was walking into town and started to get chest pains, Feelling lightheaded/Legs heavey all the normal feelings I would get and that are put down as anxiety/panic disorder.

After awhile the feelings past but kept on returning during the afternoon until it got to the stage i phoned my doctor and ask her advice and she told me to phone 999 as they could assess me better they found nothing of real concern but as my anxiety/panic disorder feels mainly occur after i leave the house and have walked part way into town they had better take me in to a&e and have me checked out fully.

Now they think my anxiety could be angina. So have to have a treadmill stress test on friday to check that out.

So what I am saying is anyone on here please dont take chest pain lightly get it check out to the full and hopefully as I am hoping it is not heart related and can put that behind you/me:hugs:

13-12-11, 16:44
Im sorry to hear about this and it does sound like anxiety and there proberly doing the tests to cover there own backs. They would of kept you in if they thought there was an issue
I dont think this is the right thing to post on an anxiety forum. sorry dont mean to be harsh just my opinion x

13-12-11, 16:52

You're right in saying you should never ignore chest pain as there can be so many reasons for it. In my case, it was acid reflux. The pain was like nothing i have ever felt before. Our out of hours doctor is based in our local hospital and i ended up there twice with the pain.


Trem only means to have chest pain checked out to be on the safe side. In my case, i was in severe pain but it was very easily treated.


Best of luck wit the treadmill test and please let us know how you get on.


13-12-11, 16:58
In my case, it was acid reflux. The pain was like nothing i have ever felt before

exactly the same as me. I was literally rolling around in tears huddled in a ball. it was awful.

Trem only means to have chest pain checked out to be on the safe side. In my case, i was in severe pain but it was very easily treated.
I understand that :) x

13-12-11, 17:44
Em.ma this is a health anxiety forum but that does not mean that everything has to have a diagnosis of anxiety. That is the problem with reassurance, it only means something if the advice is based on fact, if everybody wrote its just anxiety for every symptom then that is not reassurance.
Any good truthful advice is relevant so long that it is a balanced view and the owner of this thread gave a balance view stating that all chest pain should be taken seriously so that is what she is doing. All being well it will be anxiety, if it is angina then she will get the correct treatment so all bases will be covered. Very sensible and she seems to be getting very good medical care.

13-12-11, 18:17
Unfortunately people with HA can also suffer from real clinical problems which obviously is the worst scenario for an HA sufferer, but they should still be able to discuss their diagnoses and fears on a HA forum. My dad suffers from terrible HA (think I inherited it lol) so when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer, he still would have benefitted from a forum like this to discuss his anxieties (if he'd had the internet at the time). (He recovered, by the way! :))

13-12-11, 18:28
Well I just read this and I'm completely freaked out! I do go out on a daily basis and most of the time, my anxiety is worse when leaving my home too. I suffer from weird legs things too and now I'm freaking out.:ohmy:

I do suffer from really bad indigestion that sometimes can range from mild to severe. I get severe muscle tension and burning sensations in my chest(behind sternum and on both chests).

@xtremx, can I ask your age if it's possible? I hope I'm not intruding in any way.

13-12-11, 18:34
Mark it was the chest pain that lead the poster to ring 999 not the leg thing.

Chest pain is very common with anxiety but so is heightened anxiety when you leave the house.

Their point was always get chest pain checked out because it could be something else. Not saying something serious but it's worth getting checked.


13-12-11, 19:28
Hello Mark801 my age is 39 (but My brother had a heart attack at the age of 49 so that is also taken into account for extra checks).

As Bottleblond said it was the chest pain that was the major factor for calling 999. The main thing is please dont freak out (sorry that was not my intention) all i was posting is really to say its better to get chest pains looked into.

I am sorry if my post has upset any one as i said that was not my intention.

And also i suffer from acid reflux and a condition called costochondritis that can all cause chest pain (but sometimes i painc and it makes matters worse).

Again sorry and if admin would like to remove this post as not to cause anymore upset thats fine with me.

We all need support

macc noodle
13-12-11, 19:48

I think that your post was really valid and a timely reminder to us all that if in doubt check it out with chest pain.

I sometimes get chest pain when extremely anxious and I set myself a timeframe for it to go away in - if it has not gone in 4 hours, I will seek medical help - that sort of thing - and it always goes so I know that mine is anxiety.

Hope all goes well with the treadmill test :yesyes:

Let us know how you get on.

Take care

Macc Noodle

13-12-11, 19:51
Hello Mark801 my age is 39 (but My brother had a heart attack at the age of 49 so that is also taken into account for extra checks).

As Bottleblond said it was the chest pain that was the major factor for calling 999. The main thing is please dont freak out (sorry that was not my intention) all i was posting is really to say its better to get chest pains looked into.

I am sorry if my post has upset any one as i said that was not my intention.

And also i suffer from acid reflux and a condition called costochondritis that can all cause chest pain (but sometimes i painc and it makes matters worse).

Again sorry and if admin would like to remove this post as not to cause anymore upset thats fine with me.

We all need support

You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about and there is no need for us to remove this thread. Please let us know how you get on. Be thinking of you.


13-12-11, 21:25
Don't feel offended, I'm sorry if i made you feel bad. I don't want the thread removed either. I want to know how you get on so hopefully it'll give me reassurance. I CAN TELL YOU THAT I'M MORE NERVOUS FOR YOU THAN what you're nervous for yourself.


13-12-11, 21:35
Awwww Mark we all understand your anxieties huni. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about at your young age. :hugs:xx

14-12-11, 00:04
I agree always good to get it checked out, I went to a private cardiologist and had stress test... Treadmill test.... It was good.... I was assured all good etc healthy heart, I still get anxiety and those little pinches in the ribs and tightness and of course palps when I'm anxious but I guess I just refer myself back to my results and that gives me my grounding!

Of course my mind tries to tell me maybe they missed something etc but that's just the anxiety talking....

Good luck with it and I also suspect they would be doing it for your family history as that is a big player these days.


14-12-11, 09:07
I sympathize....

I've had this problem, and it's been my main phobia for the past 3 1/2 years since my first panic attack.

My father had a heart attack (which he survived!) at the age of 43. So when I had my first panic attack I was convinced it was my turn!!! I've had bout of sever chest pain, pains in arms, shortness of breath etc.... many combined symtpms that could be associated with heart attack and or angina.....

Saying this, I've had countless tests over the past few years: ECGS, x-rays, CT scan and even coronary MRI with perfusion. ALL results have come back normal!!!

Everytime I get chest pains, it freaks me out to varying degrees.... like another forum member commented, I give it a time span.. if the pain doens't go away after a certain time then I go to get it checked. or if the pain is associated with symptoms that i've not felt before, that also tends to send me into panic and I get them checked..

until now, all of the bouts I've had (and some have been very suddent and painful to the extent of almost passing out!) have been diagnosed as anxiety and acid reflux / stomach inflammation.

The doctors have reassure me that even despite my family history, my risk is heart disease is very low, as I don't smoke, my weight is normal, and I keep my cholesterol (LDL and HDL) and triglycerides within healthy ranges.

I had a stress test 3 years ago at the height of my anxiety, and I was terrified of an angina diagnosis... the results were all totally normall... I remember being so delighted that I ran to the bus outside the hospital!!!

22-12-11, 13:06
Hi all, Just had my Stress test i managed to last just over 9 minutes (felt like i could of lasted longer but my throat was so dry felt uncomftable).

In the end the nurse told me that all was fine so no angina from wht the ecg showed.
Ecg was ok and got up to 188bpm.

Was told that my chest pain must be coming from somewhere but not the heart

30-12-11, 16:44
Hey! Glad your ok! Ive been having weird chest pains since the anxiety started although the pain has been more occurant the last week or so.
Its around my centre at the right of my chest, I am a heavy smoker and do drink so will def be booking an appointment with the doctor just to be on the safe side. At 27 you always think your too young but you never know.

Your post is fine...I think as someone else said it's important to point out other issues as I always blame my anxiety for everything!