View Full Version : Soo...

13-12-11, 17:06
After claiming to the doctor i had Leukaemia (which was either brave or stupid), i've had a full set of 'clear' blood results back... However, this is NEVER good enough. Today i have a sharp stabbing pain in my left side ribs (between boobs and belly button) and i am getting pains in my fingers... What is that all about???

Ugh! Health anxiety really is harsh....
Oh. And i have a stinking cold that is really annoying me.... :(

13-12-11, 17:23
You have a stinking cold that is really annoying you and health anxiety:) Seriously its not much fun is it. Are you coughing alot as this can pull all sorts of things and cause pains in odd places plus any virus in the body can give rise to aches and pains as can plain old anxiety. I find that whenever I have caught any bug I get so stressed that I never know if all the symptoms are from the bug or bug and anxiety symptoms.

Focus on the fact you have had the blood tests ( my Dr calls then the anaemia/leukemia tests) and they are normal , if you had any type of anaemia of any kind including the cancerous kind then something would have been amiss so this is one lot of things you can foget about.