View Full Version : Moles Bloody Moles

13-12-11, 17:55

So moles are my latest obsession, it has been on and off for a couple of months now.... to the point i scratched a biggish mole/skin thing and made it bleed, went to the doctors and he said he would remove it to help with my anxiety and to stop me playing with it.... i'm currently waiting the results which is a routine thing and doctors assures me he is not worried about it!

But you know how it goes, i'm still anxious the results are going to come back bad, regardless of how many times my Dr has to tell me it looks normal and he took it off for my own peace of mind.

Anyway, i'm quite a moley person and have developed lots of new moles especially in the last 2-3 years, which something in itself although i know its normal always peaks my HA when i see a new one.

So i found a tiny tiny one less than 1mm that i am convinced will get bigger and nasty! Even though it just looks like a tiny brown skin blemish.

And another one i've found looks more like a skin blemish with a tiny mole within it... its largely light brown with a small slightly darker brown bit inside it.... its prob about 2mm by 1mm in total.

So these two new moles have sent me into slight meltdown, with thoughts of going back to the doctors even though i've been recently about other moles that i've been convinced were bad and the doctor wasn't even bothered by them...

Sorry for blabbing but what im saying is... i do have a lot of moles/skin things that are not what you would say perfect looking.... some have been checked by GP and hes not worried, but every time i get a new one that doesn't look right i panic...

Should i just try and forget about them and get into my mind everything on my body isnt always going to be perfect text book shape/colour/size and tell myself they are fine, or should i give in and see a doc again!?

13-12-11, 23:17
are there any other moley people out there? and how do you deal with your anxiety and moles?

I really need some friendly advice :)

13-12-11, 23:29
I know what you are going through I had a mole removed a few months ago. The best thing to do is keep a check on them and go to your GP if you are worried.

miss polly
13-12-11, 23:46
Moles are one of my things too! I was brought up in Africa and spent my life frazzling in the sun and getting horribly burnt way before I'd even heard of skin cancer. I have loads of them and have had one removed in the past. I try not to look at them, but when I do I always go into a panic about at least one of them. I've been to the doc on numerous occasions to have them looked at and have been reassured on all but once (when I was referred to the hospital to get it removed) I nearly passed out with fear over that!
I don't deal well with my anxiety, but I'm trying my best not to let it take over my life.
Good luck in dealing with this horrible fear xx

14-12-11, 00:01
I have a few moles on my back that my girlfriend has said I should get checked out.

One is misshaped, light brown and has a dark spot in the middle. I checked this out daily for a while then twice a week, trying to work out if it had changed. This had me worried until I saw a picture of my broken rib from many many years ago and the mole was EXACTLY the same.

Haven`t bothered with it for a year now.