View Full Version : Docs appointment

13-12-11, 18:22
Hi All,

So I joined this site yesterday and after looking through the forum and information have made an appointment to see my GP. Its this friday. :unsure:
Someone suggested writing everything down so I dont need to explain myself.

I know I would stuggle trying to find all the words and proberly would get upset when questionned. Have others done this? Part of me doesnt even want to go and see my GP as I keep thinking itl be traumatic but I know I should?

13-12-11, 18:30
Hi again hun :hugs:

Was me that suggested writing things down. :D

I completely understand that it could be A. upsetting for you and B. a bit of a pride denter BUT it's like most things, we can't really start to understand it and fight it ourselves until we admit to having a problem in the first place.

I bet your GP isn't surprised as this is sooooo common.

You've took the first step by making the appointment so well done. :yesyes:

You'll be fine hun and we are all here for you.


13-12-11, 19:41
Hi Lisa,

Thanks very much again, its really helpful to know that there are others who have been through the same. Just have to build myself up to friday now :)


13-12-11, 19:48
You'll be absolutely fine and there is nothing to worry about. That's a promise. :flowers:
