View Full Version : muscular , tmj , lymphoma , throat cancer , breast cancer or just my mind

mrs way to worried
13-12-11, 21:03
So sick of this I'm just gonna list my symptoms , treatments I've had ect and get some thaughts. Ssymptoms had since 2008 - difficulty swallowing , panic attacks (not common) , neck pain , shoulder pain , jaw pain , jaw numbness , facial twitching , shoulder pain , arm pain , breast aching , dizzines , exhaustion , yellow rings around pupils I have green eyes so its kinda yellowy green ,swollen glands that go up and down ,sneezing fits on a morning , all of this is situates on my right side. Tretment received , mri on head and neck clear (so they say ) , wisdom teeth removal 4 weeks ago on right side , x ray on mouth ,blood tests low iorn , nothing seen , camera down my throat nothing seen , my doctor is useless I've seen 8 now my new doctor I suggested tmj to him he said it wasn't a real disorder ( he's very old ) I'm sick of it I'm just convinced I'm gonna die all the time I live in fear every day I'm only 26 I don't wanna leave my 2 little girls sometimes I just wanna give up please help me please

13-12-11, 23:16
Im sorry to hear you are feeling this way, please just try and take a moment.... you have had all these symptoms since 2008 its now 3 years on and you are still here :D Every test you have had has come back fine or something minimal....

Read over your symptoms you wrote again and try instead of thinking every symptom is bad, think of the simpliest thing it could be... thats what soemone without HA would do... unfortunately our minds are wired differently due to stupid anxiety :(

26 is young! im 27 and in the grand scheme of things we are still starting out in life....

mrs way to worried
13-12-11, 23:21
Thankyou , I just wish all this would go away , I have not enjoyed one day since my kids were born 3 years ago I have missed everything it started 3 months after my daughter was born

13-12-11, 23:24
Was just going to say what mark said.
Since 2008? Its nearly 2012 and you`re still here. Big deep breath and have a wee read through what you`ve written. Imagine just for a minute you were listening to someone else saying all that. What would you think?
Its all too easy to get carried away with symptoms and when you do have a fear and run with it, the old mind takes over.
We`ve all done it and I`m not criticising.
The tests are conclusive. You have NO issues. They`re accurate. Accurate to the point of being right all the time. Especially when you add all the tests up.

You`re good. Good for another 40 years or so. :)

14-12-11, 08:52
I have almost every one of those sypmtoms. Do I have throat cancer? Or breast cancer etc? I duno hope not. Your not alone. I hope mine is TMJ it's awful...

Lele x

mrs way to worried
14-12-11, 13:56
I hope mine is to I'm so scared all the time though its making me so deppressed I really can't take much more just want an answer